How can the excitement around the struggle of sexual minorities for their rights (and can) affect teenagers? The point of view of the psychophysiologist Vadim Rotenberg.
The problem of sexual minorities has been at the center of attention of Western society for many years now. There is a constant struggle to ensure that gays and lesbians have the same rights as the heterosexual majority, for the recognition of same-sex marriages. Now same-sex marriage laws are being discussed with great noise in France and the UK. In Russia, meanwhile, the State Duma is considering a law on propaganda of homosexuality among minors, which also causes a mixed reaction in society.
But I would like to talk about one serious aspect of the problem, which was left out of consideration and which can lead to very negative consequences for the whole society.
The percentage of individuals with innate biological preconditions for homosexuality is relatively stable and limited. Approximately 4% of men and women are homosexual. And this number is approximately the same for all countries, cultures. These people really should be equal in rights with people with heterosexual inclinations, and no one has the right to encroach on the device of their personal life of their own choice.
- My child is different
Gender self-identification in each person is formed gradually, starting from childhood and early adolescence, and finally matures not only under the influence of biological factors (brain and hormonal mechanisms), but also in the process of interaction with other people, under the influence of cultural attitudes. Many adults with heterosexual behavior have told me during intimate conversations that in early adolescence they sometimes experienced a feeling similar to falling in love with friends of the same sex. This is a natural manifestation of emotional attachment. As true gender identity matures (rather than formal knowledge — «I’m a boy, I’m a girl») friendship with peers of the same sex begins to differ from falling in love with people of the opposite sex. But what is not yet ripe is vulnerable to various influences.
In youth, each person is very sensitive (and not critical enough) to all impressions, especially emotionally rich ones. The books he reads, the stories he hears, the films he watches, the events he witnesses affect the process of his maturation and self-identification.
And at this time, a teenager with the potential for heterosexual development suddenly becomes a witness to the excitement around the struggle for the rights of sexual minorities, accidentally falls into a demonstration or sees “pride parades”, at which, judging by the emotional atmosphere, not the equality of homosexuals and heterosexuals is proclaimed, but “ peculiarity» and «exclusivity» of homosexuals. It is they who are in the spotlight, they are fighters, they are heroes, they are proud of their self-identification, they are of interest, and everyone else is in the shadows. And it is very important for adolescents to feel exceptional, because they do not yet know for sure what their role is, and such thrills can turn them in a direction that is not only completely optional for them, does not correspond to their biological prerequisites, but also associated with many problems in further — in particular, with the inability to have their own children. Who knows how many people have acquired this gender identity due to circumstances, and not biological prerequisites? Judging by the number of participants in such marches, I think that many young people were drawn into them precisely because of the extraordinary nature of these events.
At the same time, many homosexuals do not participate in such parades. By their daily behavior they do not emphasize belonging to this group; their acquaintances often find out about this by accident. This is their destiny, not their demonstrative choice. They accept it, but do not turn it into a way of self-affirmation.
I think that this aspect of the problem deserves a calm and serious discussion and it is worth doing everything to reduce the excitement around it that is dangerous for young people — and not at all at the expense of the rights of those who belong to this group, because it simply cannot be different.