Pricked hag: a mystical story about a lame girl

🙂 Greetings to mysticism lovers! “The haunted hag” is a story that my grandmother told me about her friend Lenka. I don’t remember all the details, it was a long time ago. But I’ll tell you as I remember.

Lena became very ill in childhood, she was treated for a long time, it was possible to cure, but since then the girl has become lame. Throughout her childhood she was teased in the yard, and the guys nicknamed “The hawk hawk.” Lena was crying hard, but what to do?

Years passed, everyone graduated from school and other educational institutions. The girls became brides. Every day there is a wedding in the village. And no one looked at Lena. They were not even invited to the wedding as a guest. There was a belief that it was impossible to invite the lame to a wedding, there would be trouble.

And on the very edge of the village, an old witch lived. People were afraid of her, but they asked for help. Elena also decided to go to the healer. The sorceress listened to her and said: “I will help you only if you obey me.” Lena shook her head, she agreed to everything.

At night in the cemetery

For the next 7 days, the witch treated the girl with herbs and conspiracies. On the eighth day, the healer called Lena and said to her: “Today I will give you a charmed bag of herbs. At night you will carry it to the cemetery, you will dig it into such and such a grave. And remember, don’t say a word to anyone and don’t look back. “

Elena waited for the evening, took the bag and went to the cemetery. He walks calmly, limps. Suddenly he hears the dog barking sharply, right above the ear. I wanted to turn around, but in time I remembered the witch’s order. And she went on to herself.

And behind what was not happening! And the children were crying, the dogs were barking, growling, even someone called Lena by her name in the voice of her mother. Lena only knew that her mother was sleeping. She sleeps and won’t follow her.

So the girl reached the cemetery. The night was clear, the full moon shone brightly from the sky, all the graves were clearly visible. She began to look for the burial she needed, as she saw, children were jumping on one of the graves. They have fun, run after each other, giggle.

The girl wanted to shout to them, they say, what are you doing here at night, march home! As soon as she opened her mouth, suddenly, right in front of her, as if out of the ground, an ancient old woman emerged. “What are you thinking? What was told to you? Don’t say anything and don’t look back! Don’t call them, they are devils, not children. And if you call – they will follow you, you will not get rid of in life! “

Lena nodded to her grandmother and hurried about her business. Immediately a grave was found. The girl dug in the bag and ran home. It was only near the house that Lena discovered that she was no longer limping. The girl left for the city a month later from her native village, and she got married. After all, the girl was a pretty face.

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