Preventive examinations for women of all ages. Do regularly
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There is no exaggeration in the folk saying that prevention is better than cure. Most diseases found at an early stage can be completely cured. It is worth knowing what preventive examinations women should perform depending on their age.

  1. Morphologist, urine or sugar tests – these tests should be done regardless of age
  2. Over the years, further tests should be included in the prophylaxis, e.g. Breast ultrasound, mammography or colonoscopy
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Prophylactic examinations for women regardless of age

There is a group of preventive examinations that we should perform regardless of age. It is worth performing basic tests such as blood count, ESR, blood glucose and urinalysis at least once a year. Your family doctor can refer you to these tests.

In addition, you should monitor your blood pressure and make an appointment with an internist once a year. It is advisable to measure the level of electrolytes in the blood (potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium) once every three years, and a lipid profile once every five years. It is also worth visiting the dentist once every six months. People with multiple birthmarks should also be under the care of a dermatologist.

At Medonet Market, you can buy a package of preventive examinations, thanks to which you will comprehensively check your health.

Prophylactic examinations for women over 20 years of age

Women entering adult life should find a trusted gynecologist. Before they start intercourse, it is worth getting vaccinated against HPV. Infection with the virus increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Vaccination against hepatitis B is also recommended.

When it comes to preventive examinations, you should remember about regular cytology and self-examination of the breasts. Although the risk of developing breast cancer increases after age 50, it is increasingly diagnosed in younger women. Prophylaxis is especially important when there have been cases of the disease in the family. Other recommended tests are an abdominal ultrasound every 3-5 years and a chest X-ray every 5 years, especially for smokers.

After your twenties, you should think about regular prophylaxis. You can do several blood tests at once, for example by using the Medonet Market package.

Prophylactic examinations for women over 30 years of age

After the age of 30, it is worth including an eye examination with an ophthalmologist in prophylaxis. It is enough once every five years (more often in the case of a visual impairment). In addition, we continue breast self-examination, regular gynecological examinations and cytology. After 30, it is also worth having an ultrasound scan of the breast once a year.

In the case of family cardiovascular diseases, it is also worth taking a lipid profile once a year. In addition, an abdominal ultrasound scan every 3-5 years and a chest X-ray every five years are recommended.

You can order a diagnostic test panel for women over 30 at Medonet Market.

See also: Early symptoms of breast cancer. Remember to self-test

Prophylactic examinations for women over 40 years of age

After the age of 40, the number of preventive examinations that we should pay attention to increases. Once a year, we come for a cytology and gynecological examination, and once a year for a transvaginal ultrasound of the reproductive organs. Additionally, monthly breast self-examination, once every two years breast ultrasound and mammography. After your 40th birthday, it is also worth testing the level of thyroid hormones.

Additionally, we enter into the calendar: ECG every three years, chest X-ray every five years (smokers once a year), ultrasound of the abdominal cavity every 3-5 years and gastroscopy every five years. As part of the prevention of colorectal cancer, it is also worth performing a fecal occult blood test once a year.

Between the ages of 40 and 50, it is also worth performing a densistometric test, i.e. a bone density test, as part of the prevention of osteoporosis. We also regularly visit an ophthalmologist and dentist.

A test package for XNUMX-year-olds is available at

See also: Untreated hypothyroidism in even half of patients

Prophylactic examinations for women over 50 years of age

After the age of 50, most women enter the menopause. Hormone levels are lowered, which affects the condition of the bones and the circulatory system. In addition to basic tests, it is worth entering an appointment with an endocrinologist and testing the level of sex and thyroid hormones in the blood in the calendar. In addition, cytology, gynecological and ultrasound examinations of the reproductive organs once a year, monthly breast self-examination, mammography every two years and ECG once a year.

As part of the prevention of colorectal cancer, it is worth having a colonoscopy every five years and tests for occult blood in the stool once a year. Additionally, once every 10 years we perform a bone density test as part of the prevention of osteoporosis.

It may seem that there are a lot of preventive examinations. We will perform some of them as part of a referral from a family doctor.

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