Preventive Cardiology 2019 – Krakow, November 22-23.11.2019, XNUMX

The 2019th Conference of the Scientific Section of Prevention and Epidemiology of the Polish Cardiac Society “Preventive Cardiology 22 – guidelines, doubts, hot topics” will be held in Krakow on November 23-2019, XNUMX. The series of conferences “Preventive Cardiology” are multidisciplinary meetings with an established reputation.

During this year’s conference, participants will face the most important challenges of modern preventive cardiology. The debates on the current needs in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the long-term results of heart attack treatment in Poland deserve special attention.

The Scientific Committee of the conference prepared many interesting sessions, including sessions on the subject of high blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy. The session devoted to the problem also promises to be interesting low persistence of patients in the treatment of chronic diseases.

  1. Conference participants will be able to take part in discussions on lifestyle medicine, including diet and physical activity.
  2. Traditionally, we invite you to participate in a pro-counter session devoted to “controversies” in preventive cardiology. This year, prominent experts will argue about the legitimacy of limiting physical activity in periods of smog and the impact of electronic cigarettes on health.
  3. The conference program also included presentations of the latest results of large Polish research projects and other reports from domestic and foreign research centers. We also invite you to participate in numerous didactic sessions, including the sessions of the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology.

As in previous years, they will take part in the conference the best Polish lecturers and the most outstanding, internationally recognized experts.

More information about the conference can be found at

Students are exempt from the conference fee. For fee waiver, contact the Office of the Conference Organization.

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