Prevention of varicose veins

Methods for the prevention of varicose veins are simple: exclude sweets, refuse coffee and sedentary work. But, as practice shows, they are often not implemented. There is no time to go in for sports, you don’t want to give up the usual drinks and desserts. has learned more effective ways to keep your feet healthy.

Prevention of varicose veins

1. Spend a weekend in nature

In winter, start mastering cross-country skiing, downhill skiing or snowboarding. Time spent in the fresh air will energize, strengthen your health and … reduce the risk of varicose veins. The fact is that any sports activity, where the load falls on the legs, helps to strengthen the calf muscles, which provide reliable protection to the veins.

Fallback option: you can replace skis with special simulators in the gym or learn roller skating and skating.

Training is also useful in the pool: there is no shock load on the legs. In addition, the pressure of water, which is 12 times denser than air, will prevent blood from stagnating.

But classes with step, classical aerobics, dancing, where there are many jumps, as well as power aerobics with varicose veins, it is better to reduce or completely eliminate.

Rest for the legs should be given every hour and a half during the day.

2. Lie down, rest

If you have to stand or sit a lot during the day, you are more likely to develop varicose veins. Walking can help fix the situation. Walk at a leisurely pace for at least 2-3 km daily and do not use the elevator. When you come home, do not rush to do the housework, give your legs a break. Lie with your legs above your body. To unload the veins, 15-20 minutes is enough.

Fallback option: it’s great if you can also rest your legs during the day. If possible, sit like a cowboy with your feet on the table, or at least hoist them on a nearby chair. After every hour of sedentary work, be sure to get up and walk for a few minutes.

For blood to circulate freely through the veins, the body needs a balanced diet.

3. Eat an apple

Digestive problems contribute to the development of varicose veins. If you are overweight and suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, then the veins are no longer in order.

To restore beauty to your legs, you need to restore health to the body. Therefore, be sure to include in the diet vegetable oil (2 tablespoons per day) and fiber, which are especially rich in cabbage, apples and whole grains. Of course, other foods should also be present in the diet, just the food should be balanced.

Fallback option: in this case, it is worth thinking not about a replacement, but about an addition. You can also add vitamins and venotonic drugs to proper nutrition, such as Venitan Forte or ointments and gels for the prevention of disease.

If you notice protruding wreaths, contact a vascular surgeon-phlebologist, he will suggest treatment methods. Or you may find out that you do not have varicose veins at all. After all, protruding wreaths on the legs can be just a cosmetic defect.

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