Prevention of type 2 diabetes
Prevention of type 2 diabetes: understand it all in 2 minutes
Screening measures |
The need for diabetes screening inno symptoms will be evaluated with the doctor. The more we detect early disease – even before symptoms appear – and the earlier one intervenes to restore a glucose normal, the greater the risk of complications decreases (cardiovascular disorders, eye, kidney or neurological disorders, etc.). There is growing evidence for the effectiveness of early intervention. Here are the recommendations of the Canadian Diabetes Association, to which the doctors refer39 :
Basic preventive measures |
Weight control, healthy eating and exerciseType 2 diabetes can be prevented by simple means. A study, the Diabetes Prevention Program, showed that at-risk individuals who engaged in 30 minutes a day of physical activity and who had managed to lose 5% to 7% of their weight decreased their risk of developing diabetes by 58%. THEoverweight has the effect of increasing the need for insulin and overworking the pancreas. It is by thebody mass index (BMI) that we determine the healthy weight of a person. Calculate yours using our Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Size test. It’s not about aiming for a healthy weight at all costs, but losing 5% to 10% in 6 months is already delivering significant health benefits. A food healthy and varied helps maintain a healthy weight. It also helps to maintain a glucose relatively stable throughout the day, as is good blood pressure. To do this, eat as much as possible 3 meals a day at regular times, avoid excess animal fat and sugars added (glucose, fructose, dextrose, etc.) and prefer foods rich in fibers. For an overview of the basic principles to follow, see How to eat well? The regular practice ofphysical activity also helps to maintain a healthy weight or shed extra pounds if necessary. In addition, being active ensures that the insulin acts more effectively. It is recommended to be active at least 2 hours 30 minutes per week, spreading physical activity throughout the week, in periods of at least 10 minutes at a time (brisk walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, etc. .). It is important to take it gradually and gradually increase the duration and intensity of the activity. Physical activity in itself significantly reduces the risk of becoming diabetic. For tips on how to make activities part of your daily routine, see our Getting in Shape section.
Measures to prevent complications |
It is important that the anti-diabetic treatment is well adjusted. Adequately controlling blood sugar levels prevent complications. To ensure that the treatment is effective, theautosurveillance regular blood sugar levels using a blood glucose meter and the medical monitoring are essential. Your doctor will use the level of glycated or glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the blood (measured at least twice a year), which reflects the average blood sugar level over the past 2 months. The glycemic targets to aim which reflect good control:
See also the section Prevention of our Complications of Diabetes sheet.