Prevention of premenstrual syndrome

Prevention of premenstrual syndrome

Steps to Prevent or Alleviate PMS Symptoms

Physical exercise

Exercise practiced regularly, throughout the month (20 to 30 minutes per day, 3 to 5 times per week) and not just the few days that PMS symptoms last, results in general improvement.

The aerobic exercises (walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing, etc.), in particular, increase the blood supply to the various organs and thus help to regulate the fluctuation of sex hormones. In addition to providing a feeling of well-being and pleasure, physical activity allows you to release the excess energy accumulated in the event of stress or, on the contrary, to refuel, if necessary.


  • Take daily 3 balanced meals, at regular times, without skipping meals. This helps maintain a stable sugar level;
  • Have a good daily intake en calcium and magnesium. To find out which foods contain it and what are the recommended nutritional intakes, consult our Calcium and Magnesium sheets;
  • If it’s happened, reduce its consumption of caffeine in all its forms (coffee, tea, chocolate, coffee ice cream, cola-type soft drinks, energy drinks, hot chocolate, etc.);
  • Consume foods rich in slow carbohydrates and dietary fiber (such as wholegrain bread, fruits and vegetables, pasta and whole grains). That prevents cravings for sugar. Excess refined sugar (cookies, pastries and other desserts prepared in stores, breads with white flour, sweet cereals, etc.) causes a rapid rise followed by a sharp drop in blood glucose levels, which disrupts the metabolism ;
  • If it’s happened, reduce his consumption of salt. We thus overcome the problems of Water retention. Indeed, when we ingest a lot of salt, the kidneys react by retaining water in order to maintain a stable sodium concentration in the body. Replace table salt with herbs or spices. Eat pre-prepared meals, potato chips, commercial sauces and soups, etc. in moderation.

For other practical advice, see our Special Diet: Premenstrual Syndrome.

Stress: fight it

Given the climate of tension that PMS causes, it is advisable not to overload your schedule on critical days. Try to find solutions to better cope with situations that generate stress (reorganizing your schedule, settling a conflict, etc.). Any approach that provides a state of relaxation is a useful addition (deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massages, etc.)39.


Preventing premenstrual syndrome: understand everything in 2 min

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