Prevention of periodontitis

Prevention of periodontitis

Can we prevent?

Although genetic and immune factors come into play in the onset of periodontitis, it is possible to prevent the majority of them by strict oral hygiene and regular periodontal and dental examinations, allowing for timely intervention. case of gingivitis.

Basic preventive measures

Hygiene and surveillance measures prevent most periodontitis9 :

  • Effective toothbrushing, twice a day, with a soft-bristled toothbrush (which should be changed every month or every 2 months). The dentist can explain the gesture of brushing, which must not aggravate the lesions of the gums but must still allow the gum-dental groove, that is to say the junction between the gums and the teeth, to be cleaned.
  • The passage of dental floss once a day, to eliminate bacteria and waste between the teeth.
  • An annual dental check-up, during which the dentist examines the health of the gums and, if applicable, the space between the gums and the teeth to make sure that no pockets are forming.
  • Regular descaling.
  • An x-ray of the teeth every 2 or 3 years to detect abnormal bone loss.

It is also recommended to quit smoking and limit the consumption of alcohol and sugar.

Special situations

Due to the increased risk of periodontitis during pregnancy, pregnant women should have dental care during and after pregnancy.

In the event of orthodontic treatment, monitoring should be increased and a complete examination should be performed every 6 months.


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