Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders of the knee

Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders of the knee

Basic preventive measures

General recommendations

  • Avoid the overweight which can increase pain and make healing more difficult.
  • Do not abruptly increase the intensity when practicing a professional activity or a sport demanding on the knees. By acting gradually, we give the body time to adapt and we strengthen the muscles, while relaxing the knee tendons.
  • Use the services of a professional trainer to ensure that the correct techniques are applied or that the correct gait and postures are adopted.
  • Wear some shoes which correspond to the sport practiced.
  • Wear some kneepads if you have to stay on your knees for a long time, including DIY at home.
  • In high-risk professions, an occupational physician should inform employers and employees about dangerous professional acts, and help to adapt the organization of work (breaks, learning gestures and postures, lightening of loads, wearing of knee pads, etc. .).
  • If necessary, correct a structural defect (excessive sagging of the feet or other) by wearing Plantar orthoses flexible.

Patellofemoral syndrome

  • For parking for cyclists, adjust the seat height properly and use the toe clips or fixings under the shoe. A seat that is too low is a common cause of this type of knee injury. It is also recommended to use easier gear ratios (small gears) and pedal faster, rather than forcing a harder gear (large gears).

Iliotibial band friction syndrome

  • After a workout, and several times a day, do Stretching of the iliotibial band and the gluteal muscles. Obtain information from a sports trainer or physiotherapist.
  • Cyclists should use a bicycle that is appropriate for their size and make the necessary adjustments to adopt a ergonomic position.
  • The long distance runners can reduce the risk of knee injury by favoring flat surfaces rather than hilly ones.
  • Long-distance runners who train on an oval track should regularly alternate meaning of their course to avoid always imposing stress on the same leg in curves. Those who run on the roads and always face traffic also experience an imbalance. They are consistently one foot lower than the other, as the roads generally slope downward toward the shoulder to facilitate water drainage. It is therefore good to vary the circuits.
  • The followers of the Mountain hiking should do a few easy hikes before tackling higher mountains. Walking poles are also helpful in reducing stress applied to the knees.


The prevention of musculoskeletal disorders of the knee: understand everything in 2 min

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