Prevention of intestinal infections

The infection can get inside with food. This often happens in dubious (and not so) cafes, where spoiled and expired products are abundantly poured with sauces to hide the true taste, and served on the table. Cutlets can be made from bad meat, hot-smoked fillets from rotted fish, and so on.

How not to get sick: Of course, the best way is to cook food at home. In recreation areas (parks and beaches), where there are a lot of small cafes, pay attention to how correctly they store food and whether there is a washbasin there.

About stock:

– It is advisable not to drink milkshakes, not to buy soft ice cream on the street from trays. The devices in which these sweets are prepared, alas, are not adapted to cleaning and washing during the working day. So bacteria grow there rather quickly, especially in the heat.

– In the market, do not taste fruits and berries, they lie in plain sight, everyone touches them with their hands, dirt and microbes settle on them.

– And finally, the easiest and most effective way to reduce risks is soap. Wash your hands!

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