StarHit will tell you how to survive the rush jobs, disassemble the rubble, not to fall with the infection, in order to celebrate the New Year in good health.
Prevention of influenza and ARVI
First, sort all the cases according to their importance. They can be conditionally divided into four categories: A – important and urgent, B – important but not urgent, C – not important but urgent, D – not important and not urgent.
Sit down and calmly write down everything that you think needs to be done before the New Year (A, B, C, D). Now cross out what can be postponed for next year (B and D). Look at the remaining cases (A and B) – are all of them that important? Underline those that are in category B – you will do them if time is enough. First of all, get busy with the affairs of A. Distribute them by week. In front of each, put the time it takes to complete. Now, evenly space things out by day and hour so that there are gaps between them – for any emergencies and household chores.
We resist infection
According to Rospotrebnadzor, the number of SARS cases in some regions exceeds the epidemic threshold, especially among children. Seasonal influenza A / H1N1 epidemic is expected. As for the especially dangerous H5N1 virus, the so-called “bird flu”, there were rumors about the threat of its mutation: supposedly it will be transmitted not only from birds, but also from person to person.
“At the moment, there is no such danger,” says Anatoly Ponomarev, medical adviser to Novartis Consumer Health. – Birds can carry various forms of influenza, but data on the possibility of transmission of the H5N1 virus from person to person is not reliable. Scientists believe a wave of the seasonal H1N1 California flu is expected this year, and it will not be associated with the H5N1 strain.
What preventive measures are there?
But, so that the infection does not catch you by surprise, do not forget about prevention. In particular, take vitamin C, do not overload the body with junk food, ventilate rooms more often, eat every 4 hours – a clear daily routine will facilitate the work of your immune system. Make it a rule: every time you come from the street, wash your hands with soap and water and wash your face. This will reduce the risk of disease by several times.
A couple of exercises will energize: Stand sideways to the wall, holding on to it with your hand. With the opposite leg, swing 10 back and forth to maximum height. Turn around and repeat with the other leg.
Stand up straight with your hands on your waist. Perform five bends to the left and right, and then five bends forward.
Relieve stress
Lie on your back, close your eyes and feel your breath. Say: Sounds come and go, Thoughts come and go, I feel what I feel. Concentrate on the meaning of these expressions. Then move on to the formulas of calmness: “I breathe evenly and calmly” until you feel a complete absence of anxiety. Then “calm” each part of the body separately (right leg, left thigh, abdomen, etc.). After you have achieved peace, say, “I take this peace with me.” Count 10 to 1 slowly and open your eyes. How new!