Prevention of influenza
With the onset of cold weather comes the season of diseases and colds. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” tells how to properly prevent the flu and how to protect yourself and your children from colds

Before the start of the flu season, we often think about how to protect ourselves and our child from the flu. According to WHO, up to 500 million people are ill every year in the world. The death rate from influenza is up to 0,2%, that is, 2 people out of 1000 cases.

The most common cause of death from influenza is pneumonia. It is known that influenza pneumonia is very difficult to treat and has a mortality rate of up to 40%. Another formidable complication of influenza is inflammation of the heart muscle or viral myocarditis, which manifests itself in the form of severe rhythm disturbances and can lead to acute heart failure.

How to protect adults and children from the flu

In order to protect yourself from the flu, adults and children need to follow the rules of prevention.

Prevention is specific – it includes vaccination and taking antiviral agents and non-specific – compliance with the rules of general and personal hygiene.

Vaccination against influenza

Vaccination (or flu shot) is the most effective method of preventing influenza1. However, no vaccine will provide 100% protection against the flu. The effectiveness of vaccination can vary greatly and depend on the matching of vaccine strains with strains circulating in the current season. In some years, the effectiveness of vaccination was no more than 13%. However, even if the strains of the vaccine coincide with those circulating, its effectiveness does not exceed 70-80%. Scientists hope to create a universal vaccine that can protect against different types of flu strains.

Influenza usually has an acute course, at the beginning of the disease there are pronounced symptoms of intoxication – headache, severe weakness, fever, pain in muscles and joints. Temperature can rise up to 40°C1.

It is necessary to distinguish the influenza virus from other acute viral infections (SARS), which we often refer to as the common cold. The causative agent of SARS can be about 200 viruses of different subtypes (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, etc.). Currently, there is only a vaccine for the flu.

ARVI is characterized by a more gradual increase in symptoms: the temperature rises slowly and does not reach such high levels. The next day, there are signs of a cold – sore throat, runny nose, cough, etc.

Some groups of people are at a higher risk of developing flu complications. These groups include:

  • children aged 6 months to 15 years;
  • elderly people over 65;
  • medical staff2.

High-risk groups also include students, service workers2.

Pregnant women are at particular risk, especially in the later stages.2. Statistics show that, unfortunately, most pregnant women with influenza have to be hospitalized, because they often develop complications, and the disease is more difficult to bear. Therefore, official recommendations advise all pregnant women to get vaccinated against influenza.

The flu vaccine is fairly safe and usually well tolerated. Typical side effects of the vaccine are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, weakness, which usually resolve quickly.

Patients for whom vaccination is contraindicated include:

  • persons prone to manifestations of allergy to vaccine components3;
  • individuals with allergic reactions to previous vaccinations3;
  • persons with chronic diseases in the acute phase or infections with fever (in this case, the vaccine is given 2-4 weeks after recovery).

You can get vaccinated against influenza in the district clinic, private clinics and some other public institutions. Today, some employers take care of their employees and provide them with free vaccinations before the flu season.

Antiviral drugs

Today, there are several groups of drugs used to prevent and treat influenza. Drugs that directly kill the virus include neuraminidase inhibitors.1. To date, clinical studies have convincingly confirmed the efficacy and safety of two drugs in this group – oseltamivir (Tamiflu)1 and zanamivir (Relenza). These drugs destroy the viral envelope protein, neuraminidase.1. Neuraminidase inhibitors are contraindicated for long-term use and should not be used during the entire cold season. The maximum duration of their intake should not exceed two to three weeks.

Before starting flu prevention with antiviral drugs, you should consult your doctor. These drugs have a number of side effects and can cause health problems if taken incorrectly.

Compliance with the rules of general and personal hygiene

The influenza virus and SARS are transmitted, as a rule, by airborne droplets from person to person. It is known that the virus is released into the air when coughing, sneezing and settles on surrounding objects. At the same time, the risk of viruses entering the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract of people nearby is very high.

The viability of viruses on surfaces lasts for 10-12 days, in some cases up to 3 weeks. Viruses die at high temperatures up to 100 degrees, as well as when surfaces are treated with antiseptics, for example, soap, alcohol, iodine, etc.2.

During an influenza epidemic, it is necessary to avoid contact with patients, not to attend crowded places (concerts, meetings, festivals, etc.).

During an influenza epidemic, it is necessary to avoid contact with patients, not to attend crowded places (concerts, meetings, festivals, etc.).

When in contact with a sick person, you must:

  • be at least 1 m away from him;
  • use a special mask (the mask does not provide XNUMX% protection, but with a short contact it can help);
  • be sure to wash your hands with soap or treat with antibacterial solutions;
  • do not touch your face, eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands2;

If you have the flu, you must:

  • be sure to call a doctor so that he can assess the severity of your condition and prescribe treatment;
  • comply with bed rest;
  • no exploits with going to work (no one will appreciate this);
  • drink more liquids (tea, milk, mineral water);
  • strictly observe bed rest;
  • limit contact with family members, especially children and the elderly.

It should be noted that traditional medicines, such as garlic, parsley, turmeric, ginger, and so on, are quite popular among the population, but there has been no clinical evidence of their effectiveness in the treatment of influenza and SARS.

How not to treat the flu

– Although all doctors constantly remind about the severity of the flu and its dangerous complications, for some reason many patients stubbornly refuse to trust the recommendations of evidence-based medicine. Instead, they try folk remedies that, at best, do nothing and, at worst, cause new health problems. doctor of the highest category, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, therapist, expert of the project Svetlana Bozhko. —  I would like to remind you once again that banks, mustard plasters, warm compresses on the chest and legs, potato inhalations are absolutely superfluous with the flu. Such actions will not help you recover faster.

The other extreme is to try the entire arsenal of over-the-counter drugs from the pharmacy, “to definitely help.” Remember: medicines must be prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly according to the instructions, especially when it comes to antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Antibiotics do not cure influenza at all, as they do not act on viruses, and specific antivirals are used under strict indications, and they are not needed in the standard course of influenza. Also, do not abuse vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

Bed rest, warm fluids, gentle nutrition, antipyretic drugs (if necessary) are the key principles of influenza treatment, which have proven effective in hundreds of thousands of patients.

Vodka compress

Theoretically, alcohol compresses can help with colds, hypothermia, but more often they are used for joint pain, bruises, sprains, and swelling after injections. They relieve pain and swelling well. But such compresses are absolutely contraindicated for purulent diseases, oncological, skin diseases, as well as for all acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, with a temperature above 37,5 ° C. If the temperature rises to high levels, then you need to take an antipyretic, and not be treated with compresses. The danger lies in the fact that the warming compress will spread the harmful substances that the body fights through the blood even faster. As a result, complications cannot be avoided, and an ambulance will have to be called. Not to mention the fact that in no case should you make alcohol compresses for children under 3 years old – this threatens with alcohol intoxication.


This method can already be called “grandfather”. The effectiveness of cans has not been scientifically proven, but the mechanism of action is the same – blood vessels expand, blood flow increases, the body’s immune forces are activated. Although the actually felt effect from the cans is rather a massage one. By creating a vacuum and pressure, the muscles relax, so it seems to the person that relief has come. With the flu, it’s completely redundant. In addition, if there is a tendency to bleed, things can end up even worse.

The mustard

Mustard plasters have been used for centuries, someone still pours mustard powder into their socks at night and claims that they feel great in the morning. It may well be, since we already know the mechanism of action: mustard irritates and warms the skin, blood circulation is activated, and so on. Here, most likely, psychological comfort also plays a role: a person lies under a blanket, warmed from all sides – he feels much more protected. But you need to remember – none of the described methods should categorically be used at high temperatures, which means that with the flu as well. Banal harm from mustard plasters is a chemical burn, as well as an allergic reaction up to Quincke’s edema. It’s not worth the risk.

Popular questions and answers

Svetlana Bozhko, pulmonologist, therapist, expert of the project, answers popular questions regarding influenza prevention.

What is influenza emergency prevention?

– Patients who have been in contact with a sick person with influenza or are in a focus with an increased risk of infection (military units, hostels) and belong to a risk group may be prescribed antiviral drugs to prevent infection. Most often, Tamiflu is used for this purpose, which must be drunk for a period of 10 days or more as directed by the doctor.

Do I need to smear ointment under the nose so as not to catch the flu?

– For the prevention of influenza, it is recommended to use oxolinic ointment, which has the ability to destroy the influenza virus by direct contact. She lubricates the mucous membrane and wings of the nose before going outside, and after returning home, the nose is washed well.

How many days is a person with influenza contagious to others?

– The patient becomes contagious 24 hours before the onset of influenza symptoms and another 7 days from the onset of clinical signs of the disease.

Sources of:

  1. “Flu. Clinical guidelines for prevention and treatment. Medical review. Russian Medical Journal No. 12 dated July 21.07.2016, 6501 Gabdullina R.Z.
  2. Guidelines. “Prevention of infectious diseases. Nonspecific prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory infections. Approved December 10, 2018.
  3. Vidal. Encyclopedia. Pulmonology. Flu vaccine.

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