Prevention of hypodynamics
Translated from the Greek “hypodynamia” – “strength from below.” A clear hint: it’s hard for us to tear ourselves away from our beloved sofa and force ourselves to move. But this must be done! will tell you how to overcome your laziness and make your life dynamic.
Prevention of hypodynamics
Our vital functions were laid in the primitive communal period, when a person, in search of food, fleeing danger, moved a lot and actively. The long years spent on the run taught the body to physical activity. And now, to be healthy, we need to move.
But, people have always tried to simplify their lives. Now we move in cars, watch TV, and for several years have not even gotten off the couch to change the program: the remote control does it! And most of us have a sedentary job.
The first to suffer from inactivity are the muscles, which gradually atrophy from lack of load. And we are talking not only about leg muscles numb from sitting on a chair for a long time and from an uncomfortable position, numb arm muscles. The heart muscle (myocardium) and the walls of blood vessels suffer (which is dangerous!). As a result, hypertension, ischemia develops, and the heart rhythm is disturbed. Among other things, the metabolic process slows down, which leads to fragility of bones and disruption of the activity of internal organs, and carbohydrate-fat failure is a direct path to obesity.
What does laziness lead to?
The general resistance of the body is noticeably reduced, and a person begins to easily “grab” all kinds of viruses and infections, more often to poison himself with food and experience headaches. Curvature of the spine leads to displacement of organs, and as a result to diseases, including gynecological ones. But that’s not all.
Our muscular activity is directly related to the nervous one, so that a sedentary lifestyle turns out for us a decrease in performance, irritability, emotional instability and even depression. What to do?
Read on: How to overcome hypodynamia?
Sport not only has a beneficial effect on health, it makes your figure slimmer and improves your mood.
We start in the morning!
If you are still able (that is, you have not earned obesity and other serious pathologies, which only doctors will help to cope with), urgently change the schedule! Forget about late dinners, but start the morning with a hearty breakfast.
The ideal option is charging, but now very few people will be carried away by this. If squats and bends are too boring for you, then dance! In the mornings or evenings, it doesn’t matter. Just turn on the music and move. Dance while you think about what to wear, blow-dry your hair, talk on the phone. Dancing, go to the kitchen and return as well. It won’t take much time, but your mood will improve your health too!
Quest for the day
If at work you have to spend a lot of time in a sitting position, be sure to do warm-ups! Get up from your chair and walk around the office, down the street, just go down and up the stairs.
Go to the gym or pool. No time? So, make it a rule to go up and down only on foot. A month of experiment – and you will feel how elastic your sirloin will become. But letting reclining on the couch be a pleasant bonus for you after physical exertion. Allow yourself to rest, because as the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant said: “One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.”