Prevention of hyperthyroidism

Prevention of hyperthyroidism

Can we prevent?

There is currently no way to prevent hyperthyroidism.

Measures to prevent complications

Adequate rest

  • Get a good nights sleep. If necessary, take naps in the early afternoon.


  • Make sure you have a good supply of calcium, because hyperthyroidism contributes to depleting os in minerals. See which foods are the best sources of calcium: Calcium – Nutrient chart.
  • Take some meal less copious, but more frequent.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, which would stimulate the body even more: coffee, tea, energy drinks, cola-type soft drinks and chocolate contain it in varying amounts. Consult our Caffeine sheet to find out more.
  • Do not take a natural supplementiodine or multivitamins that contain it.
  • Also avoid very salty foods and algae, because they contain high doses of iodine, which can interfere with the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The sea ​​food are not contraindicated for people with hyperthyroidism, even if they contain some iodine.
  • If there was a weight loss, treatment of hyperthyroidism (without increasing food intake) is usually sufficient to regain the lost weight. However, in rare cases, a diet a little richer in calories and protein is indicated, while the treatments take effect and the thyroid returns to its normal activity. Check with your doctor or nutritionist before changing your eating habits.

Note. Certain foods makeiodine unusable by the thyroid: this is the case with all plants related to cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, rutabaga, mustard and rapeseed), soy (soybean), millet, peanut and pine nuts. This effect is attributable to the isothiocyanates they contain. This property may seem interesting for people with hyperthyroidism. However, the isothiocyanate content of these foods is too low to contribute to the treatment of hyperthyroidism.2. It would be necessary to eat inordinate amounts to obtain a therapeutic effect. In addition, cooking inactivates isothiocyanates.

Physical exercise

  • In times of hyperthyroidism, physical exercise intense for the heart (eg, running, racket sports, cardio-cycling, and training on fitness equipment) should be avoided because the body is already in a state of “hyperactivity”. Walking and swimming (moderate intensity) are usually well tolerated.
  • Once the problem is treated, regular exercise is particularly important because it helps prevent or limit the demineralization of the os, argue experts from the Mayo Clinic in the United States.

Prevention and relief of eye problems

  • Some tips for reducing eye irritation, common in people with autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease):

    no smoking, because smoking also increases the risk of exophthalmos;

    – avoid direct wind in the eyes;

    – avoid bright light by wearing sunglasses, since the eyes are more sensitive to ultraviolet rays;

    – use lubricating eye drops (in the form of “tears” during the day, and “gel” at bedtime);

    – apply cold compresses on the eyes, to calm the irritation;

    – elevate the head during the night with a cushion in order to reduce the pressure in the eye region;

    – consult your doctor if the symptoms remain bothersome.



The prevention of hyperthyroidism: understand everything in 2 min

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