Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The main rule of successful hemorrhoid treatment – an integrated approach: from proper nutrition and lifestyle to drug therapy.

1) Include in the diet foods that can improve the work of the intestines: dairy products, dried fruits, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Try not to drink strong tea and coffee, do not get carried away with meat and flour products.

2) Move more! Do light gymnastics regularly and try to sit less. The ideal resting position during pregnancy is lying on your side.

3) Wash off with cool water after each bowel movement. Use wet intimate tissues instead of regular toilet paper.

4) Use gentle but effective remedies for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.

The first step is to consult with your doctor and determine what symptoms are most troubling to you.

Relief candles help get rid of bleeding and itching. They contain phenyelphrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect and is good for swelling, bleeding and itching.

Swelling and bleeding are unpleasant symptoms, but when acute aching pain appears, all other manifestations of the disease fade into the background. In this case, you can use Relief Advance suppositories containing an active anesthetic for local anesthesia, which gradually relieves pain.

All “Relief” preparations contain a natural ingredient – shark liver oil, which helps to restore the affected area, heal wounds and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Largely thanks to this component, discomfort recedes, leaving the happy mother alone with the long-awaited baby.

There are contraindications for use. It is necessary to read the instructions.

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Reg. ud. PN013560 / 02 dated 06.11.2007

Reg. ud. PN014500 / 01 dated 21.04.2010

Reg. ud. PN013560 / 01 dated 11.12.2008

Reg. ud. LS-001101 dated 31.05.2010

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