Prevention of glaucoma

Prevention of glaucoma

Basic preventive measures

  • People at higher risk of glaucoma (due to age, family history, diabetes, etc.) have a better comprehensive eye exam every year, starting in your forties or earlier as needed. The earlier the rise in intraocular pressure is detected, the more loss of visual capacity is minimized.
  • Make sure to maintain a healthy weight and normal blood pressure. The rinsulin resistance, which often accompanies obesity and hypertension, contributes to increasing the pressure inside the eyes.
  • Finally, always make sure to protect your eyes with safety glasses during risky activities (handling chemicals, welding, squash, speed sports, etc.).

Measures to prevent recurrence

General Precautions

  • Avoid the use of certain pharmaceuticals – especially corticosteroids in the form of eye drops or by mouth – or consider their potential risks.
  • Have a food rich in fruits and vegetables to meet as much as possible the needs in vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink small amounts of liquids both so as not to suddenly increase intraocular pressure.
  • Limiting or avoiding the consumption of caffeine and tobacco is sometimes beneficial.
  • Makephysical exercise regularly may alleviate some symptoms of open-angle glaucoma, but has no effect on narrow-angle glaucoma. It is best to consult a doctor to choose the appropriate exercises. Watch out for vigorous exercise, certain yoga postures, and head-down exercises, which can increase pressure in the eyes.
  • In the sun, protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing eyeglasses tinted lenses that filter 100% of UV.

Prevent another attack of narrow-angle glaucoma

  • Stress can trigger an acute attack of narrow-angle glaucoma. We must pay attention to the factors that generate stress and try to find solutions.
  • Following a first attack of narrow-angle glaucoma, a laser treatment will prevent a recurrence. This treatment involves making a small hole in the iris with a laser beam to allow the flow of aqueous humor trapped behind the iris. Most of the time, it is recommended to have the other eye treated as a preventive measure.



Glaucoma prevention: understand everything in 2 min

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