Prevention of gallstones

Prevention of gallstones

Can we prevent gallstones?

  • People who have never had gallstones can reduce their risk of developing gallstones by adopting a healthy lifestyle, especially if they help prevent obesity.
  • Once a stone has formed in the gallbladder, it cannot be regressed only by healthy lifestyle habits. It is therefore necessary to treat them, but only if they pose a problem. A calculation which does not involve any annoying sign should not be made. However, eating well and preventing obesity have multiple health benefits, and it may reduce the risk of new stones developing.

Steps to take to prevent cholelithiasis

  • Strive to maintain a normal weight. People who want to lose weight should also do so gradually. Experts recommend losing only half a pound to two pounds per week, at most. It is preferable to aim for less weight loss which will be able to be better maintained.
  • Regularly engage in physical exercise. Practice 30 minutes of a endurance physical activity per day, 5 times per week, reduces the risk of symptomatic gallstones, in addition to preventing excess weight. This preventive effect is observed in both men and women.7 8.
  • Consume good fats. According to the results of the Health Professional Study – a large epidemiological study conducted over 14 years at Harvard Medical School – people who consume mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats have a lower risk of cholelithiasis. The main sources of these fats are vegetal oils, the noix and seeds. A subsequent analysis of this same cohort of individuals revealed that a high intake of trans fat, derived from hydrogenated vegetable oils (margarine and shortening), increases the risk of gallstones.9. See our file Bold: war and peace.
  • Eat dietary fiber. Dietary fiber, due to the satiety effect it provides, helps maintain normal calorie intake and prevent obesity.
  • Limit the intake of sugars (carbohydrates), especially those with a high glycemic index, as they increase the risk of stones10 (see The glycemic index and load).

Note. It seems that vegetarianism would have a preventive effect on gallstones11-13 . Vegetarian diets provide little saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein, and provide a good intake of fiber and complex sugars.


The prevention of gallstones: understand everything in 2 min

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