Prevention of avitaminosis

With prolonged consumption of low-quality food, a monotonous diet, and a strict diet, a pathological condition called beriberi can develop. For its prevention, it is important not only to eat foods rich in vitamins, but also during the heat treatment of vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, try to keep the maximum amount of vitamins in them.

Prevention of avitaminosis

Prevention of avitaminosis

When buying vegetables and fruits, you should pay attention to their appearance. Greens should look fresh, fruits should look strong. It is important to remember that during long-term storage, vitamins in fruits and vegetables disappear. With the exception of non-perishable foods and cereals, it is best not to buy anything more than your daily requirement.

Fresh greens are recommended to be consumed immediately after picking, while it is still rich in juice. Greens for soup must be added to the plate before eating the dish and should not be boiled. It is desirable that well-washed greens always stand on the table as a good vitamin supplement for every day to a variety of dishes.

Fruit and vegetable salads should be prepared immediately before use or try to season them with oil, salt, mayonnaise, etc. before serving. Chopped vegetables retain their nutrients better when refrigerated and covered. Ideally, the storage area for foods rich in vitamins should be cool and dark, but not too cold.

It is also important for a balanced diet to consume food, taking into account the peculiarities of the absorption of vitamins in the human body.

Vitamin A is practically not absorbed without vitamin E, so vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise should be added to grated carrots. With spring beriberi, you can enrich your diet with fruit and vegetable juices. Juices from carrots, oranges, tomatoes are rich in vitamins. Carrot juice can be sweetened with honey.

Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin C, especially in the first couple of hours after being removed from the brine. Also, as a vitamin food supplement, you can use sprouted grains of peas, wheat, beans.

For the prevention of beriberi, it is useful to drink a rosehip decoction containing a whole set of vitamins, such as B2, A, E, P, C, K. Moreover, the daily human need for vitamin C is contained in only two berries of the plant. To prepare a universal vitamin drink, well-washed dry berries are poured into a thermos with boiling water at the rate of several fruits per glass of water.

Vitamin mixture can be prepared from dried apricots, raisins, prunes, lemon, walnuts. All components are mixed in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Store the product in the refrigerator, closing it with a lid. A tablespoon of the mixture satisfies the daily human need for vitamins.

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