Prevention and treatment of flu and colds
It is generally accepted that a cold is a tribute to the dank autumn and cold winter. However, you can catch a runny nose in the warm season. But if prevention is started on time, the disease can be avoided in any calendar period.
Prevention and treatment of influenza
Why are we sick?
The main reason why the body becomes defenseless against rhinoviruses that cause the common cold is hypothermia. It is because of it that the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa narrow, and it ceases to protect us from infection. As a result, the virus begins to carry out destructive work in the upper respiratory tract.
You can overcool not only in winter, but also in summer, in extreme heat, for example, by drinking cold water. However, you can catch a cold without it: in the heat, with excessive exposure to the sun, the nasal mucosa gets dry, which also prevents it from performing its protective function.
Avoiding colds can be very easy with prevention.
It is enough to follow these simple rules …
Drink plenty of fluids to get well. Herbal teas, milk, warm water and other healthy drinks will keep the membranes of the nasal mucosa moist.
Let’s take care of prevention
Do not abuse direct sunlight, as it can drain the immune system, give yourself a break from time to time.
When settling down to relax in the shade or the nearest cafe, watch your well-being – do not overcool! Do not be lazy to get dressed if you feel that the temperature difference is too sharp for you.
Exercise caution when traveling by car or train. Of course, in the heat it is very tempting to open the window and expose your hot face to the cool breeze, but do not forget about the sense of proportion.
The same applies to air conditioners, which, on the one hand, greatly facilitate our life, and on the other, are a common cause of colds. Remember that the temperature set on the air conditioner should not be lower than the outside temperature by more than 5 degrees.
Drink plenty of fluids in hot weather to keep your nasal membranes moist. However, do not overuse icy drinks – this is the shortest route to a cold.
Be sure to have breakfast. British scientists from the School of Psychology at Cardiff University in the course of their research have clearly confirmed that those who skip a morning meal are sick more often than those who immediately after waking up are supported by a delicious breakfast.
What to do if a cold still catches up with you
Air conditioners, on the one hand, make our life much easier, and on the other, they are a common cause of colds.
How to cure a cold
If you do get sick, help your body fight off viruses.
Tune in to get well!
To begin with, stop taking what happened as a tragedy, and tune in to a speedy recovery. The results of a study by American scientists from Carnegie Mellon University confirmed that in cheerful people the disease progresses more easily and passes faster than in pessimists. Doctors attribute this to the fact that optimists have increased levels of “happiness hormones” that help the immune system fight infection.
Be free!
Get your breathing back as soon as possible. With a cold, it is very convenient to use modern drugs that are available in the form of nasal sprays.
All to the people
Do not neglect traditional methods of treating colds: at the very beginning of the disease, in the absence of temperature, a warm one helps
Eat right
During illness, do not overload the body with arachidonic acid, which is especially abundant in fatty meat, egg yolk, butter, it can increase inflammation and weaken
And most importantly, get some rest and try to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is another factor that seriously weakens the body’s defenses and prevents it from fighting the disease.