Do you like looking at people with red noses, watery eyes and a harsh cough? No? In order not to join their ranks, try to follow simple rules of cold cough safety.
Prevention of flu and colds
1. Keep warm!
It’s not May on the street for a long time, and therefore there should be a hat on the head, a scarf on the neck, and gloves on the hands. Wear a sweater, at least a thin one, under a jacket or coat. Leave short jackets and thin tights in the closet until spring. At the same time, make sure that the clothes are not only warm, but also dry. A damp cloth will draw the warmth out of you just as well as a good frost.
It is especially important to keep your feet warm. Never walk with wet feet. Keep a pair of shoes at work, as well as spare socks “just in case.” If you get wet and cold, before changing into dry clothes, massage your feet until you feel warm.
2. Keep warm!
You come home in the evening chilled and hungry. Ask your stomach to wait and engage your body. Immediately immerse it in a hot bath or shower, paying particular attention to keeping the feet warm. Then rub with a stiff terry towel and put on dry woolen socks. Only then can you turn your eyes to the refrigerator and stove. For prevention, start dinner with a glass of hot milk with honey and a pinch of baking soda. You can have a glass of warm red wine.
3. Vitaminize!
Train yourself to regularly consume vitamin C, which helps the body produce interferon, which kills viruses and mobilizes lymphocytes to fight off colds. Vitamin C is found in sauerkraut, lemons, oranges, rose hips, and tablets. The latter should not be eaten on an empty stomach, so as not to harm the stomach. And be sure to include in your diet fermented milk products – kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
4. Get enough sleep!
With a lack of sleep, our immunity weakens, since the cells do not have time to recover, which means they cannot give an adequate response to the infection that attacks them. The conclusion is simple: sleep until you get enough sleep, and certainly not less than 7 hours a day. And try not to get nervous, especially over trifles. Stress opens the door to disease.
5. Get hydrated!
In the sense, do not go wet yourself, but humidify the air in the apartment and office. In the cold season, in conditions of working heating systems, the air becomes dry, followed by the drying out of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. As a result, viruses and microbes that get on it do not settle on wet “villi”, but travel straight into the body.
To maintain a certain humidity, place open containers of water in each room, changing the water every day so that fungi do not start in it. Do not forget to ventilate the room by opening windows several times a day for 10-15 minutes.
6. Stand apart!
In order not to pick up someone else’s virus in transport or at work, it is best to cover your nose and mouth with a gauze bandage, or at worst, a scarf or handkerchief. But if that doesn’t work for you, then wash your hands and face often. By touching objects that already have viruses, and then touching your eyes, nose, mouth with your hands, you yourself bring the infection into your body. If you don’t have soap on hand, just rinse your hands with hot water or dry them off with a wet towel.
Discard handkerchiefs. The viruses that have settled on them retain their viability for a long time, so when reused they can easily migrate back into your body. It is much safer and more hygienic to use disposable paper towels.
For the same reason, during traditional teas at work, you should use disposable plastic or paper cups instead of glass or porcelain cups. Do not drink from glass glasses at various food service locations. It is not known how thoroughly they are washed and disinfected.
These are some simple tips. But they act as a prophylactic agent in the cold season as well as proprietary antiviral and antimicrobial drugs.