Prevent, not cure: we care about health

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Progress does not stand still, including in medicine. However, many of us still have a complex of fear of a doctor left over from Soviet times, when a simple trip to the dentist turned into an ordeal. Unfortunately, most people, especially the older generation, do not go to the doctor today until the problem literally starts to interfere with their lives.

As a rule, most often people come to medical centers with acute pain. Although a much more correct approach to the issue of health is to go to the doctor to prevent the disease, and not just to be cured. It is better to show conscientiousness and undergo regular examinations than to subsequently spend a lot of time and money on eliminating diseases. This is what the medical center calls for “Medhaus”… Each of us has the opportunity to identify the symptoms of diseases, if any, at the earliest stages. A pleasant bonus is a calm and sound sleep from the confidence that everything is in order with you.

This is especially true for women: sadly, with age, many body functions begin to weaken, which leads to serious problems. It is no secret that oncological diseases at the first stage are successfully treated today, and there is little chance of getting rid of this disease at the fourth stage. Women over 4 are advised to undergo an examination every six months by a mammologist and gynecologist to keep their organs in order.

Do not be afraid to go to the doctor – in most clinics today there is high-quality equipment and qualified specialists. At the medical center “Medhaus” are accepted by high-class doctors with extensive experience, modern equipment is used, so a visit to the doctor will not cause discomfort and will help maintain health in proper tone. If you wish, here you can choose a convenient examination program after consulting a specialist.

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