Pressure – norms, arrhythmia, pressure spikes [EXPLAIN]

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Blood pressure, usually understood as blood pressure, describes the force with which blood presses against the walls of blood vessels. It depends on the strength of the contraction of the heart muscle, as well as on the elasticity of the vessels, their diameter and the degree of filling of the vascular bed. Blood pressure is controlled by the nervous and endocrine system through many complex mechanisms.

Pressure – characteristics

Blood pressure changes throughout the heart’s cycle. At the highest point, blood pressure is referred to as systolic blood pressure (systolic), while at the lowest point, it is referred to as diastolic blood pressure (diastolic). These two values ​​enable the physician to assess the general health of the patient. However, it should be remembered that the pressure fluctuates constantly throughout the day.

Pressure is nothing more than the pressure your blood exerts against the walls of your arteries. Blood pressure is an extremely important parameter assessing the state of human health. Too low, caused e.g. by hemorrhage, may result in ischemia of the brain, kidneys and other organs and lead to the development of shock, a condition that is directly life-threatening.

Too high values ​​cause hypertension, a chronic disease that, if left untreated, leads to the development of heart and kidney failure and significantly increases the risk of premature death. We talk about hypertension when too high pressure is a repeated situation. In Poland, hypertension is one of the most common diseases, so it should be kept under constant control. You can check your blood pressure using the Nissei blood pressure monitor with automatic measurement, which is available at a bargain price on Medonet Market.

Pressure parameters change with age, but also during the day, under the influence of emotions or physical exertion. Blood pressure is described by two values: systolic pressure It is related to the work of the heart, namely its contracting and relaxing. When the heart is in its diastolic phase and the blood pressure is lower, it is called diastolic pressure.

The pressure is usually measured with a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope (auscultatory method). First pressure measurements were performed at the end of the 140th century. The upper limit of normal is 90 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and 140 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure. A triple finding of the value above 90/XNUMX mmHg allows for the diagnosis of hypertension and initiation of treatment.

Now, however, there are electronic blood pressure monitors that are much more convenient and easier to use on the market. Try wrist and upper arm blood pressure monitors available on Medonet Market.

In the treatment of hypertension, in addition to medications, lifestyle changes are also important, such as increasing physical activity, quitting smoking, and reducing the amount of salt in the diet. You can also take appropriate supplementation. Try a preparation with coenzyme Q10 for the heart, which supports its work and strengthens the circulatory system. You will find it in the Ubiquinol 100 mg dietary supplement. To normalize blood pressure, it is also worth trying the natural dietary supplement Harmonix 500 ml. Herbal extracts, such as valerian, angelica and rosemary, additionally strengthen the functions of the entire body, including the work of the nervous and digestive systems.

Also try Elixir for pressure with garlic, hawthorn, lemon balm and olive leaf or Elixir of mistletoe, which support the work of the entire circulatory system.

Check: Which blood pressure monitor should you choose?

Pressure – correct measurement

To perform the test, we will need a pressure gauge, which consists of an air chamber, a manual pump connected by rubber hoses and a manometer (electronic, spring, mercury).

Measurement is made by occluding the artery with a pressure cuff and then using a stethoscope to observe the heart rate as air is released from the air chamber. After hearing the first sound – we will observe the value corresponding to the systolic pressure, and the last – the diastolic pressure.

Currently, we can find popular and more modern on the market electronic sphygmomanometerswhich use the oscillometric method for measurement. In other words, the measurement of pressure changes in the inflation cuff is the result of the propagation of the pulse wave. Buy an electronic blood pressure monitor from Tech-Med and have your health under constant control.

The pressure is felt thanks to the blood stream that flows under the cuff, causing it to vibrate. Thus, in electronic sphygmomanometers, the basis of measurement is the pulsating undulation of the artery, and not the acoustic phenomenon as in the case of a sphygmomanometer using a stethoscope.

During the examination, the hand should rest freely on a table or other surface (it must not be held slowly in the air). In addition, measurements should be made in a quiet and peaceful room, in which devices emitting sounds, such as a TV set, are turned off. It is recommended that the pressure be measured on the hand where the values ​​are more often.

The band of the device should be put about 3 cm above the bend of the elbow, two fingers should fit under it (if they do not fit, it means that the band is too tight). After wearing the band, do not change the position of your hand or move your hand. During the examination, the stethoscope should be placed on the upper part of the elbow fossa.


The pressure result is influenced by many factors, including: general condition of the body, age, stress and various types of infections (especially those involving high temperature). To strengthen the body, try the Whole Purple dietary supplement with vitamin C and plant extracts to strengthen immunity and improve overall health.

Blood pressure values they can change during the day, which is completely normal. For this reason, it is suggested to measure blood pressure at regular times and conditions (i.e. after rest). It is important to rest, lie down or sit for 5-10 minutes before taking a measurement.

It is contraindicated to take the measurement immediately after eating a meal (wait at least an hour). The same applies to smoking – the required break after the last cigarette you smoke is approx. 30 minutes. In order for the measurement to be correct, the blood pressure should be measured before taking the drugs. It is contraindicated to drink strong tea or coffee before testing.

Pressure – pressure recorder

In addition to the previously mentioned ways to measure blood pressure, a more modern method is also used, i.e. pressure recorder. The recorder is a XNUMX-hour, and most importantly, an automatic device, the advantage of which is the absence of errors in measurement, which are often made by a human.

Another advantage of this device is the possibility of measuring the pressure also while sleeping, and in addition, the possibility of avoiding a temporary increase in pressure during examination by a specialist (white coat syndrome).

During the pressure recorder test, the patient wears a special device on the strap, which pumps air into the cuff on the patient’s arm. An acoustic signal signals the start of the measurement. It is recommended to stop during the measurement, straighten your arm and not perform any additional actions, e.g. unnecessary hand movements.

After taking the measurement, you can return to the previous steps. A single beep indicates a correctly performed measurement, while a double beep means that the measurement has not been registered. The pressure recorder measures blood pressure every 15 minutes during the day and every 30 minutes at night. The examined person receives a special diary in which he / she should write down all symptoms and events taking place during the test during the examination.

He should also write down the names of the medications taken and their dose. Also important is information about daytime naps and the beginning and end of nighttime sleep. After one day, the device should be returned to the laboratory where the device was installed. You can buy a test performed with a recorder at

Check: High blood pressure can cause a fatal heart attack

Pressure – indications for a holter test

  1. Hypertension in pregnant women;
  2. assessment of hypotension;
  3. suspicion of hypertension;
  4. monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension;
  5. assessment of the pressure drop at night.

There are no contraindications for measuring with a pressure recorder. Occasionally there are situations in which the blood pressure should be measured using an invasive method, i.e. blood pressure measurement through puncture of the artery.


The device is not waterproof, so be careful not to get it wet. Also, be careful not to damage the pressure recorder.

Pressure – standards

For blood (arterial) pressure, the norms are as follows:

  1. 120/80 mm Hg optimal pressure
  2. 120-129 / 80-84 mm Hg normal pressure
  3. 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg correct high pressure
  4. 140-159 / 90-99 mm Hg Grade 1 hypertension
  5. 160-179 / 100-109 mm Hg Grade 2 hypertension
  6. 180/110 mm Hg and grade 3 hypertension
  7. over 140 and below 90 is isolated systolic hypertension

If your blood pressure is abnormal, order and regularly use the supplements present in Na Circulation – Herbal Kit, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Find out more: How to raise blood pressure? Several proven ways

Pressure – blood pressure norms in the elderly

With age, blood pressure may increase. Your doctor will try to bring your blood pressure down to the correct level.

  1. Patients up to 80 years of age: systolic blood pressure should be reduced to 140-150 mm Hg, and in patients in good general condition the target value is less than 140 mm Hg.
  2. Patients over 80 years of age: systolic blood pressure in patients in good general condition decreases to a target value below 150 mm Hg-140.

At Medonet Market you can buy a modern blood pressure monitor with a speech function, which makes it easier for the elderly and visually impaired to read the result.

Blood pressure – norms for diabetics

Among the diseases that affect the height of blood pressure, there are i.a. diabetes. The pressure in people with diabetes should be below 130/85 mm Hg, so it is so important that these people have a special way of controlling their blood pressure. This control is intended to prevent cardiovascular diseases among diabetics.

For people with diabetes, we recommend the iHealth Gluco glucometer. The device can remember up to 500 test results and is characterized by high-quality measurement.

Pressure – norms for people with chronic kidney disease

People with chronic kidney disease have been linked to blood pressure. In their case, disease prevention is strongly associated with strict blood pressure control. In patients, it should not exceed the value of 140/90 mm Hg, moreover, they should strive to reduce proteinuria as much as possible. If you have kidney problems, make sure you do regular check-ups. A package of tests to check the condition of the kidneys is offered by the uPatient’s medical center.

Learn more: Home remedies to lower blood pressure

Pressure – norms for children

Pressure in a child is just as important as in adults. The pressure is interpreted on the basis of a percentile grid appropriate for the age and sex of the child. In Poland, these nets were developed by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, but there are also foreign nets developed by WHO.

Normal values ​​are considered to be a wide range between the 10th and 90th percentile or a narrow range between the 25th and 75th percentile. The best result for a child is the 50th percentile for that age and gender. Values ​​above the 90th percentile are considered hypertension, caused by heart or cardiovascular disease.

If your child has abnormal blood pressure, be sure to consult a pediatrician who will help identify the problem.

Blood pressure – health effects

Blood pressure changes with age and the older we are, the more often we develop e.g. hypertension. The problems associated with it are also influenced by excess weight and the accumulated cholesterol in the blood vessels, which negatively affects their elasticity.

High blood pressure causes our arteries to harden faster, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, regardless of age, it is very important to check your blood pressure daily.

During a visit to an internist or family doctor, he or she usually measures blood pressure, but this is only a temporary value. If we want to actually control the pressure, we should perform such measurements up to three times a day, regardless of age. The home pressure measurement also makes the patient more relaxed and therefore the measurement result becomes more reliable. So it is worth having a suitable blood pressure monitor. The Heart Plus Sanity blood pressure monitor will be perfect.

Pressure – Arrhythmia

The heart is nothing more than a pump whose task is to pump blood through its chambers. The blood is transfused by muscle contractions that follow a tightly controlled sequence. If it is disturbed, arrhythmia occurs, i.e. disturbances in heart rhythm. Due to the arrhythmia, blood is no longer pumped as efficiently as before. Arrhythmia is usually mild and transient. It happens that the heart makes extra beats or misses one. It may be caused by strong emotions or intense training. However, arrhythmias should not be underestimated as, if left untreated, they can be life-threatening. Today you can buy a digital blood pressure monitor with the function of detecting cardiac arrhythmias, offered by the respected brand Tech-Med.

Check: Upper arm or wrist blood pressure monitor – which will work better?

Pressure – symptoms of arrhythmia

Symptoms of arrhythmia include:

  1. palpitations;
  2. sudden feeling of being hit hard;
  3. fatigue;
  4. dizziness;
  5. loss of consciousness;
  6. shortness of breath and chest pain.

It is also worth paying attention to the symptoms of bradycardia, i.e. bradycardia: dyspnoea, dizziness, fatigue, fainting. On the other hand, the symptoms of tachycardia, i.e. tachycardia, are: strong felt heartbeat, fluttering, feeling of strong beats in the chest, feeling of poor mood, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, weakness. If you notice any disturbing symptoms, consult your primary care physician who will help you make the right diagnosis and propose effective treatment.

Pressure – hypertension

If home measurements suggest high blood pressure, see your doctor. During the visit, the doctor will order tests necessary to diagnose the cause of the high blood pressure. There are many causes of high blood pressure. The main risk factor is poor diet, such as too much salt, processed foods, coffee, and alcohol.

We talk about mild hypertension when the values ​​are already 140/90 mm Hg. One cause for concern is the result of 180/110 mm Hg. It is very important to find the cause of the increased pressure, and there are many factors that can cause it. These include, among others:

  1. a high salt diet
  2. lack of physical activity,
  3. stress,
  4. heart or kidney disease
  5. hormonal disorders,
  6. eating highly processed products.

High pressure should not be ignored and monitored continuously, as it can lead to serious complications, such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure or arteriosclerosis.

Pressure – treatment of hypertension

Diet is very helpful in treating high blood pressure. Patients with hypertension are advised to follow an appropriate (healthy) diet and exercise. We will lower the pressure by introducing more whole grains, lean meat and fish, healthy oils or low-fat dairy products into our menu.

Another factor contributing to lowering blood pressure is regular and moderate physical activity. Today, a sedentary lifestyle is very common, and unfortunately it is one of the factors that significantly affect our health. It should be emphasized, however, that there is no need to perform very intense workouts right away. People with increased blood pressure are recommended to swim, walk, Nordic walking, jogging or cycling.

It is also worth eliminating another factor contributing to increased blood pressure, i.e. stress. It causes the level of adrenal cortex hormones and adrenaline to increase in the body. We feel then a faster heartbeat, and thus also an increase in pressure. If you struggle with chronic stress, try CBD oil, which has relaxing and relaxing properties.

Remember that hypertension is often associated with other diseases, so it should not be taken lightly. However, the diagnosis of hypertension requires the systematic measurement of pressure at different times for several or several days. The iHealth Push wrist blood pressure monitor with bluetooth function will help.

Drugs known as antihypertensive drugs are also used to treat high blood pressure. These are:

  1. diuretics – these help eliminate sodium and water;
  2. alpha-blockers and beta-blockers – slower heartbeat;
  3. other medicines that relax blood vessels, such as calcium channel blockers.

When treating high blood pressure, a combination of several drugs is most often used. However, treatment is a very individual matter and requires appropriate treatment to be selected for the patient.

Find out more: How to fight hypertension?

Pressure – night jumps

In the course of hypertension, nighttime pressure surges, i.e. sudden changes in pressure, which can lead to organ damage, can occur. A strong pressure surge can even lead to a stroke. Pressure spikes may be the result of the development of a phaeochromocytoma that secretes adrenaline. For this reason, the work of the heart and vasoconstriction accelerate, and as a result, blood pressure rises. The tumor also secretes paroxysmal catecholamines and they are responsible for them sudden pressure surges.

Pressure spikes at night can be a symptom of the so-called primary hypertension, meaning they don’t have a specific cause. If pressure peaks occur around the clock, they can be the result of:

  1. hyperaldosteronism;
  2. Cushing’s syndrome;
  3. overactive thyroid gland;
  4. carcinoid tumor (neuroendocrine tumor);
  5. sudden discontinuation of high blood pressure medications or poorly selected doses of medications;
  6. menopause;
  7. exacerbations of chronic diseases causing secondary hypertension;
  8. spine diseases;
  9. cardiac neurosis, anxiety panic attacks (pressure surges due to the nervous system).

In any case, consult a doctor. He may order the determination of hormones and their metabolites in the blood and urine, hormonal stimulation tests, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Pressure – herbs

When they appear pressure problems, it is worth checking the action of herbs first, thanks to which we will avoid undesirable side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, flatulence, depression, etc. These are:

  1. ginseng – a very powerful Chinese herb that relaxes the muscles of blood vessels and lowers cholesterol; You can buy the ginseng preparation at
  2. blueberries – its main active ingredients support the elasticity of the vessels. They prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, and in the long run, they prevent and fight hypertension;
  3. reishi – adds energy, supports longevity and slows down the aging process. You will find it in the Hanoju brand dietary supplement;
  4. hawthorn – these berries support the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system. Blood vessels dilate and cholesterol is lowered. Hawthorn also prevents atherosclerosis;
  5. dong quai (aka Chinese angelica) – this herb makes the intervals between successive heartbeats longer.

Pressure – Hypotension

The pressure may also be too low. The so-called hypotension means that the blood pressure readings are less than 100/60 mm Hg. This condition is known as hypotension. The symptoms of malaria are:

  1. palpitations;
  2. constant fatigue;
  3. pale complexion;
  4. energy drops;
  5. concentration problems;
  6. the so-called spots in front of the eyes;
  7. ear noise;
  8. nausea;
  9. accelerated heart rate.

Pressure drops are most noticeable in the fall, and this applies to girls in adolescence and slim young women.

Too low pressure may be of a primary nature. In this case low pressure source is unknown. Hypotension can even be hereditary. The patient can then help himself by drinking coffee or energy drinks. Unfortunately, this is not a curable condition. Therefore, it is worth getting used to these ailments.

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Secondary hypotension, which is a derivative of another disease, is much more dangerous. Secondary hypotension may be the result of other diseases, such as circulation, hypothyroidism, and dehydration. Low blood pressure can also be a side effect of medications. This is known as orthostatic hypotension. Such pressure drops may be caused, among others, by drug abuse:

  1. volume depressants, e.g. diuretics;
  2. vasodilators, e.g. alpha blockers;
  3. antidepressants;
  4. barbiturates;
  5. anti-Parkinsonian.

Hypotension can also be caused by alcohol abuse, prolonged bed rest, as well as vomiting, bleeding, sweating and diarrhea.

Find out more: How to measure blood pressure? Check that you are not making any mistakes

Pressure – treatment of hypotension

Too low blood pressure can be treated by making changes to your lifestyle. It is worth choosing a moderate physical activity that is suitable for you, such as swimming or cycling. Adequate healthy sleep contributes to lowered blood pressure. You can also do a dry massage after waking up, e.g. with a glove. This is a great way to stimulate the circulation in the body. It is also worth remembering to eat less and more often and drink plenty of water.

How to treat pressure drops depends on their cause. However, it is worth trying a few simple methods:

  1. drug-induced hypotension requires drug dose adjustment by the attending physician;
  2. hypotension caused by vomiting, or diarrhea is treated by replenishing the fluids thus lost;
  3. hypotension caused by prolonged bed rest can be avoided by mobilizing the patient to sit down each day;
  4. hypotension in the elderly can be avoided by ensuring that they drink the right amount of fluids or change their body position gently;
  5. in case of orthostatic hypotension, patients should wear stockings or tights to increase blood flow to the heart;
  6. eating a salt-rich diet, as sodium increases the volume of blood circulating in the blood vessels;
  7. Some people benefit from drinking a cup of coffee – but remember not to overdo it;
  8. if a patient is struggling with orthostatic hypotension, treatment requires a combination of drugs, which is why it is extremely difficult and always under the supervision of a physician.

Do you want to monitor your pressure? Check out the wide range of blood pressure monitors available on Medonet Market.

Pressure – pregnancy

Blood pressure is measured at each pregnancy control visit. The pressure norms of a pregnant woman do not differ from the norms accepted for all women. Blood pressure may drop in the first 6 months of pregnancy due to the high level of progesterone in the woman’s body. This especially applies to the period between 12 and 26 weeks of pregnancy.

Blood pressure may increase during the last trimester as the baby gets bigger and the amount of blood in the woman’s body also increases. The situation is not alarming if the pressure does not exceed 140/90 mm Hg. If the pressure is higher, it may indicate hypertension, which is very dangerous for both the woman and the child.

Hypertension in the first few months of life can adversely affect the maturation of the placenta, so the fetus may not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, and can even lead to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. You will provide comprehensive care at every stage of pregnancy by purchasing a medical subscription.

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