Why does the bladder hurt during pregnancy and how to protect yourself from itPresses, the bladder hurts during pregnancy

Quite a common occurrence during pregnancy, when the bladder presses or hurts. The reasons that cause this phenomenon can be both harmless and dangerous.

Why does the bladder hurt during pregnancy?

During the formation and development of the fetus in a woman’s body, many changes occur. Most of all, they are felt by those organs that are closest to the growing fetus, in particular, this is the bladder.

Why does the bladder hurt during pregnancy and how to protect yourself from itPresses, the bladder hurts during pregnancy
The bladder hurts during pregnancy due to cystitis and other problems

Here are the main causes of pain in it during pregnancy:

  • Growth of the uterus. When it increases, it starts to press on the bladder. Most often, pregnant women in this case simply experience pressure, but in the later stages it can be painful.
  • Hormones. A frenzied surge of hormones during pregnancy can cause pain in the ureter.
  • Baby jerks.
  • Overcrowding. If before pregnancy you could endure for a long time and not go to the toilet, you should not do this after conceiving a child. An overflowing bladder is bound to hurt. It will be a dull aching pain that gradually subside after going to the toilet. If tolerated too often, cystitis can develop.
  • Cystitis. A common and dangerous cause of pain in the urinary tract. Other symptoms of cystitis are frequent urge to use the toilet, pain during urination. There are various causes of the disease, but most often it is bacteria. Cystitis is easy to recognize with a urinalysis. Often he goes in company with other problems of the genitourinary system.
  • Cystalgia. Neuralgic disease. The patient has all the signs of cystitis, but the tests do not reveal it. Unlike other diseases of the genitourinary system, a neurologist deals with the treatment of cystalgia.

To confirm or deny the diagnosis, the doctor will order a urine test. Additionally, he will reveal the picture of an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Prevention of bladder pain during pregnancy

To avoid bladder problems during pregnancy, do not overfill. Go to the restroom whenever possible and remember that enduring is harmful. Do not wear tight underwear and clothes, this can trigger the onset of cystitis. Avoid hypothermia and control your diet. Food affects everything in our body, even the condition of the bladder.

Remember that pregnancy is a condition in which your body is especially vulnerable. Even if it seems to you that the pain in the bladder is caused by the growth of the uterus and there is nothing to worry about, it is better to consult a specialist.

UTIs During Pregnancy, Prevention and Treatment

Anatomy features

Doctors often refer to the bladder as an ordinary bag. This organ is elastic, because its volume in a filled state can reach two liters, and it consists exclusively of smooth muscle tissue and mucous membranes. Otherwise, we can say that this is a special reservoir into which urine enters for its subsequent removal from the body through the urethra . This process is carried out by special circular muscles (sphincters). Wise nature has provided for everything, all these muscles are functionally interconnected. If smooth muscle tissues begin to contract spontaneously for any reason, and the sphincters at this moment are in a relaxed state, an act of involuntary urination occurs .

Throughout pregnancy , while carrying a baby, every woman begins to notice special changes that occur throughout the body, and the genitourinary system is no exception. In 30% of girls, these changes occur at a very early date, in the remaining 70% – at a later time (3rd trimester of pregnancy ). Already at a short time, some women complain about frequent urination . This is not surprising, because the uterus and fetus are constantly increasing in size, which leads to squeezing of internal organs, including the bladder .

Causes of pain in the bladder

It happens that a pregnant woman begins to worry about pain in the bladder area . In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor . In 90% of cases, patients with such complaints are diagnosed with such serious diagnoses as cystitis and urethritis .

What treatment will the doctor prescribe ?

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, doctors prescribe complex treatment, which includes:

  • Antibacterial therapy .
  • Physiotherapy .
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Analgesics.

Self-medication is completely contraindicated in this situation. Cystitis during pregnancy can be easily prevented and excruciating pain can be avoided by following the simple recommendations listed above. After all, the main task of a pregnant woman is to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, but if you still encounter the problem of pain in the bladder , do not hesitate, contact your gynecologist or urologist . They will definitely prescribe you the right course of treatment, prescribe various antibacterial and painkillers to stop attacks of pain in the bladder , give recommendations for further prevention of exacerbation of cystitis, and other inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

If you feel unbearable pain in the bladder during pregnancy – call an ambulance! In order to avoid all sorts of problematic situations, experts recommend not to hesitate to call her, since a lot can really depend on this. Indeed, in this area there are other organs of the female genitourinary system, such as the uterus and ovaries .

Expectant mothers cannot always determine exactly where the pain is located. In this case, professional doctors come to the rescue . Using modern equipment and the latest diagnostic methods, they can make a correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time, and immediately begin treatment without waiting for the onset of complications. Moreover, experienced doctors have special knowledge and skills, and are able to put them into practice for the benefit of the patient.

When contacting a doctor, you need to pay special attention to your well-being and tell the specialist about your pain as specifically as possible.

Pregnancy is a rather serious process that must be treated with special trepidation, since your child will be born very soon and the health ofthe baby will depend on the state of health during pregnancy . Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health and not lead to unpleasant situations associated with complications.


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