President: I am opposed to compulsory vaccinations. Doctor: harmful and dangerous
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“I am absolutely against compulsory vaccination,” said Andrzej Duda during the Cabinet Council meeting. “It is a border crossing that we cannot afford”. The president’s words were commented on by the drug. Bartosz Fiałek. “For me, this statement is incomprehensible, harmful and dangerous,” admitted the doctor and explained why.

  1. «I would like to tell the Prime Minister and to you one thing: I am absolutely against compulsory vaccination. (…) It is a border crossing that we cannot afford »- assessed President Duda
  2. «For me it is unacceptable that the head of state – and I do not mean President Andrzej Duda, but any president – should universally proclaim extreme opinions. And it is in such a difficult epidemic situation that we are in now »- comments the drug. Bartosz Fiałek
  3. The doctor reminds that vaccinations are the best tool to control the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. «There is no better one» – he emphasizes
  4. «The situation does not seem alarming at this point. If the number of observed daily cases varies between 150 and 250, it is not an alarming number, considering that we have 38 million citizens “- said the president
  5. «We know that the COVID-19 pandemic is developing and waning extremely dynamically. In a month, the situation may get out of hand and then it will be too late to take preventive measures »- warns the doctor
  6. In the opinion of Bartosz Fiałek, vaccinations against COVID-19 should be mandatory, but not for everyone. Who should they cover?
  7. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

President Andrzej Duda: I am absolutely against compulsory vaccination

Due to the upcoming start of the school year in the conditions of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, Andrzej Duda convened the Cabinet Council (it is formed by the government chaired by the president). This body is appointed when the president considers a given problem to be “a matter of particular importance”. Such was the matter of preparations for the resumption of full-time education. The session began on August 30 at noon.

Opening the RG meeting, President Duda said: – I want to tell the Prime Minister and you one thing: I am absolutely against compulsory vaccination. I believe that this will cause social unrest, I believe that it is a matter of people’s responsibility and everyone should bear this responsibility alone. In this way, Andrzej Duda referred to reports that compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19 could occur.

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– Compulsory vaccinations are crossing the border that we cannot afford – assessed the president. He justified it with the “national character” and – as he said – the defiance of Poles. – If people are forced to do so, we will have a bad social situation that will really worsen the mood – he argued.

At the same time, the president emphasized that it was the duty of the Polish state to provide everyone with the possibility of being vaccinated. – We must have a vaccine for every citizen. It is our duty as state authorities – to create this possibility for everyone to be vaccinated, not to force it. Andrzej Duda emphasized that vaccination should be encouraged and various educational programs should be implemented in this matter.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Bow. Bartosz Fiałek on the president’s words: a harmful and dangerous statement

– For me this statement is incomprehensible, harmful and dangerous. Once again, the president is addressing the anti-vaccination environment, said the drug. Bartosz Fiałek, whom we asked to comment on the words of the Polish president. – For me it is unacceptable that the head of state – and I do not mean President Andrzej Duda, but any president – should universally proclaim extreme opinions. And it is in such a difficult epidemic situation as we are today, i.e. on the threshold of another epidemic wave related to COVID-19, while we have a definitely insufficient percentage of vaccinated citizens.

Bartosz Fiałek

Doctor, specialist in the field of rheumatology, chairman of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region of the National Physicians’ Union.

As he describes himself – a social activist in the field of health protection. He is an active user of social networking sites where he shares information about the coronavirus, explains research on COVID-19 and explains the benefits of vaccination.

– We know perfectly well and we have scientific evidence that vaccination is the best tool to control the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no more effective – emphasizes the doctor. – Meanwhile, the National Immunization Program is not successful, less than 19 percent are fully vaccinated against COVID-50. of us. This is not enough to build a strong immune wall against the new coronavirus, especially against the Delta variant, he explains, noting that the president’s words may convince people who still have doubts about whether to get vaccinated to refrain from taking this preparation.

– Moreover, in Poland we use universal, compulsory preventive vaccinations. So to say that compulsory vaccinations are not in line with our “national character”, whatever that means, is somewhat inconsistent, because in such an arrangement, how to explain the obligatory – and most correct – childhood immunization calendar? – asks a question and states: – I do not completely understand the arguments of the president.

“At this point, the situation does not seem alarming.” The doctor comments

President Andrzej Duda informed that during the meeting of the Cabinet Council he wanted to hear “what is the general situation” related to the pandemic: with vaccinations and morbidity. He also wants to know the opinions of experts about the threat of the next wave of coronavirus. He said: – The situation does not seem alarming at this point. If the number of observed daily cases varies between 150 (…) and 250, as it was the case in recent days, it is not a staggering number of cases, considering that we have 38 million citizens.

Bartosz Fiałek referred to this statement. – I can agree that as of August 30, 2021, the situation is actually not alarming, but we know that the COVID-19 pandemic is developing and weakening extremely dynamically. In a month’s time the situation may get out of hand and then it will be too late to take preventive measures – warns the doctor.

– The words spoken by the President indicate that he simply does not understand – which is understandable looking at his education – epidemic phenomena. She probably does not realize that although the situation today is “not disturbing”, it does not mean that in a month the relative idyll will continue. Especially in a situation where we will not be vaccinated against COVID-19 or responsibly follow the sanitary and epidemiological rules – emphasizes the specialist. – An epidemic is a very violent event. We could find out about it during the two previous epidemic waves related to COVID-19, when up to a point nothing heralded a tragedy, but then there was a collapse – he reminds. – The conclusion that can be drawn from this event is that since the president does not have sufficient medical knowledge, you know, he is a lawyer, before presenting the thesis on vaccination or the course of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland, he should seek information from people who have such knowledge .

For whom should COVID-19 vaccinations be mandatory? Opinion

What about mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations? We asked Bartosz Fiałek for his opinion. – In my opinion, vaccinations should be compulsory, but not for everyone – believes the doctor, emphasizing that they should be applied to groups of people whose professions require human contact. They include teachers and other school employees, officials, service employees – uniformed, communal and other, and of course medical and non-medical personnel working in treatment and care facilities, etc.

– I do not think that it is necessary to introduce compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19 in the case of children or people who work at home, which does not require frequent contact with others – notes the doctor. – In this case, we should deal with education and persuading these people to voluntarily vaccinate against COVID-19. However, we should all keep in mind the principles of the sanitary regime: hand hygiene, protective masks and maintaining a social distance of at least two meters.

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