Preservatives: harm to the body. Video
Commercially produced foodstuffs consist not only of natural raw materials, but also of colorants, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and preservatives. The latter are added in order to suppress the vital activity of microorganisms and, as a result, to ensure a longer shelf life of products. Unfortunately, most preservatives have a negative effect not only on bacteria, but also on the human body.
Preservatives: danger to the body
All preservatives included in the products must be indicated by the manufacturers on the packaging. They are denoted by the familiar letter E and a combination of numbers starting with 2. Among these substances there are a small amount of natural and harmless preservatives, for example, salt, sugar, citric acid or vinegar, which have been used since ancient times. Or sorbic acid (E-200), which in small doses helps to detoxify the body.
Doctors still insist that additives made from natural raw materials, but having undergone chemical processing, cannot be completely harmless.
However, most preservatives are produced chemically, resulting in hazardous and unhealthy food additives. For example, E-230 – E-232 are used in the processing of fruits, as a result of which they can be stored for many months on store shelves. Meanwhile, these preservatives are poisonous diphenyl.
Dangers of preservatives
First of all, the danger of preservatives is that harmful carcinogenic substances enter the human body with them. Moreover, they are a time bomb: microdoses of preservatives allowed in products have the property of accumulating in the body, eventually reaching toxic concentrations. And at the same time, they are still very difficult to be excreted from the body.
As a result, the human immune system is undermined, the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system is disrupted, oxygen starvation occurs. A large amount of preservatives can also cause changes at the cellular level, which often leads to the development of malignant tumors.
In addition, preservatives often interact with each other. Seemingly harmless at first glance, food additives in combination with each other often form toxic compounds that are dangerous to human health. For example, the approved preservative E-239, in combination with vitamin C, forms the prohibited dangerous formaldehyde E-240.
To date, the compatibility of food additives is poorly studied.
How to protect yourself from preservatives
Of course, it is practically impossible to completely abandon industrial products. However, it is quite possible to try to reduce their number. To do this, try to consume vegetables and fruits grown on your own. Or at least buy during the seasonal time for them.
Be sure to wash vegetables and fruits before eating, peel off the skins, or soak them in water for a while. This will get rid of water-soluble preservatives that are present in large quantities on the peel.
Choose foods with the shortest shelf life, as they tend to use fewer preservatives. Remember the list of prohibited and most dangerous “Yeshek” and try not to buy products with such a composition.