
When most of us talk about the bad “Es” in food, preservatives are usually the first thing that comes to mind. Still would! What only horror stories do not tell about these substances. Meanwhile, not everyone understands what these additives actually are and whether they are as dangerous as is commonly believed.

What are preservatives and where do they come from?

Before we talk about what preservatives are, let’s remember why food spoils. The answer is very simple: because of bacteria or fungi that multiply intensively inside the food. Microorganisms are the reason that the product has an unpleasant smell and taste, that the processes of decay or mold growth begin in it. To prevent or slow down these unwanted changes, you just need to get rid of microorganisms. This function is called upon to perform substances-preservatives.

But do not think that preservatives are something new, discovered in our time. In fact, substances with similar properties have been known to mankind since ancient times.

True, it is worth recalling that in the old days only natural preservatives were used, which cannot be said about modern life.

The most ancient preservatives used by people can be called ordinary table salt, honey, smoke, wax, wine, as well as some spices and herbs. Later this list was expanded with ethyl alcohol and wine vinegar, and in the XNUMXth century the era of synthetic preservatives began.

Initially, the role of additives that destroy bacteria in food was played by salicylic, sulphurous, sorbic and benzoic acids, as well as their salts. Later, there were attempts to use antibiotics as food preservatives, but it turned out that these substances have more dangerous side effects than benefits. Therefore, this method of processing food products had to be abandoned.

Nowadays, quite a lot of substances with the properties of preservatives are known. Some of them are used in the food industry. Others have found application in perfumery, cosmetics, pharmacology. There are special preservatives for feed, wood, and even for processing technical devices.

How to recognize nutritional supplements

Preservatives used in the food industry are usually labeled with the letter “E”. But not all E found on product labels belong to this group of additives, but only those near which there is a number from 200 to 299.

Substances collected in the “Preservatives” group have varying degrees of safety. If some do not carry any harm to the body, then others are recognized as either unsafe or generally strictly prohibited for use in the food industry.

The effectiveness of modern food preservatives is achieved by regulating the acid-base balance within the product and the oxygen concentration, which is known to promote the growth of microorganisms. But the methods of processing the product with these additives may differ.

Some substances are sufficient to apply a protective layer on top of food (usually used to treat exotic fruits), while for the preservation of other food, the additive will have to be entered inside.

A good food preservative must first of all be safe for humans. In addition, it should not change the gastronomic characteristics of the food or enter into chemical reactions with the packaging material.

Natural and synthetic: effects on the body

E-additives of this group can be natural or synthetic. Natural are renowned for being safe food supplements. However, it should be understood that even in large quantities they can be harmful. But most of the horror stories about the dangers of preservatives relate to synthetic substances.

It is clear that nothing will happen to a person if he once eats something that contains synthetic preservatives. The danger of these substances is different. Many of them have the ability to accumulate in the body, and when their concentration becomes critical, side effects cannot be avoided. For example, lovers of products sold in plastic packages (fish, all kinds of drinks) run the risk of accumulating benzoic acid and its salts in their bodies. The danger of these preservatives is that they can cause severe allergies, symptoms of bronchial asthma, kidney and liver disease, disorders of the nervous system, and increased blood pressure.

All citrus fruits should be thoroughly washed before eating, as their skin contains diphenyl, thiabendazole and orthophenol.

They prolong the freshness of fruits that undergo long-term transportation, but these substances are not safe for humans.

If you abuse smoked meats and sausages, there is a risk of accumulating in your body the preservative sodium nitrite, which maintains the beautiful color of meat products, but at the same time is highly toxic. Another synthetic additive dangerous to humans is sulfite. It is regularly “eaten” by lovers of raw smoked sausages, snacks, dried fruits, some oils and low-grade wine.

In addition, many of the synthetic preservatives affect the absorption of vitamins by our bodies, worsen the state of the immune system, and prevent the proper circulation of oxygen in cells.

Some sources claim that synthetic preservatives even have mutagenic properties and can cause incurable diseases. In addition, it should be understood that for maximum preservation of the product, it is usually treated with a whole range of preservatives, each of which has its own side properties.

What contains

A modern person is practically deprived of the right to choose: most of the products on the market contain preservative substances: from bread and milk to juicy strawberries in the winter cold.

All margarines, mayonnaises, purchased jams contain sorbic acid (E200). Fruit and vegetable preserves, as well as marinades, are usually “improved” with benzoic acid and its salts (E210-213) or sulfurous acid and its salts (E220-224, E226, E227).

Canned fish and confectionery products almost always contain E214-219, which are esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid. And beloved by many meat, fish, different types of cheeses are “stuffed” with nitrates (E249, E250).

How to replace chemistry

Synthetic food additives make our lives easier, but let’s not forget that there are safer natural preservatives. Of course, natural additives do not allow you to store milk for several weeks, and mayonnaise – for several months.

However, their properties are enough to extend the shelf life of some products at home.

Take at least ordinary salt. A 20% solution is an excellent antibacterial agent that kills even staphylococcal bacteria. With this safe and always available preservative, you can significantly extend the shelf life of meat, fish, mushrooms, and vegetables.

Vinegar can be used when there is a need to prevent fermentation, with little to no effect on the taste, color and aroma of the product. Another enemy of microorganisms is sugar. Grated berries mixed with sugar can be stored without losing their qualities for several months.

The antiseptic and bactericidal properties of natural honey allow you to keep the freshness of raw meat for quite a long time. And if you fill the product with ordinary vegetable oil, you will be able to completely protect it from contact with oxygen, without which the bacteria will die. The result is a longer shelf life of the product.

Modern life is hard to imagine without preservatives, but their use should be used wisely. And if it is possible to choose a product without a synthetic additive, it is better to do so.

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