During the preparation of such preservation, any types of edible mushrooms that do not have decay and are not too old can be used. Chanterelles and mushrooms in vinegar can be used as an excellent side dish for meat, or in the process of preparing various salads.

For cooking, you need to take a liter jar, place several bay leaves, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, a quarter teaspoon of allspice and a fifth of a teaspoon of black pepper on its bottom. Onions, horseradish and other spices are added to taste.

After that, mushrooms are placed in the jar, which must be filled with filling, the temperature of which should be approximately 80 0C. Immediately after this, the jar is sealed and sterilized for 40-50 minutes.

For the manufacture of the filling, it is necessary to use 8% vinegar in a ratio of 1: 3 with water. In addition, 20-30 g of salt is added to each liter of such a filling. Filling can be cooked cold, but it is still recommended to make it hot. Water with salt must be heated to 80 0C, then add vinegar there, and mix the solution thoroughly. After that, it is poured into a jar of mushrooms. Immediately after sterilization, it is necessary to seal the jars, make sure the closure is good, and refrigerate.

If it is impossible to sterilize the jars, it is necessary to increase the acidity of the filling. In this case, with a constant amount of salt, vinegar is taken in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

Crystalline citric acid or liquid lactic acid can also be used to acidify the filling. At the same time, about 20 grams of citric acid or 25 grams of 80% lactic acid must be added to a liter of filling. If you refuse to sterilize mushrooms, the amount of acid increases.

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