Presentation of the Lord: What not to do around the house on February 15

Presentation of the Lord: What not to do around the house on February 15

One of the oldest Orthodox holidays is celebrated on the 40th day after Christmas. Its very name means “the meeting of mankind with the Savior.”

The meaning of the holiday

According to religious tradition, a woman who has given birth to a boy cannot visit the temple for 40 days. But after that she must come with the baby to church in order to perform a cleansing rite and consecrate the child to God. The Mother of God who came to the temple with her son was met by Elder Simeon. He knew he would die if he saw the Savior. Looking at the baby, the pious one realized that the prophecy had been fulfilled. He took the baby in his arms and blessed him: “Now you release your servant, O Lord, according to your word, in peace, because my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the face of all nations, the light for the enlightenment of the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel” … Now Simeon could calmly prepare for the transition to another world. And these words became a prayer.

Church Traditions

On this day, festive services are held with a procession of the cross. Priests can wear blue or white clothes, the colors of which symbolize Divine light and purity.

One of the main traditions – visiting the temple and reading prayers. Orthodox are recommended to take with them from church consecrated candles… They can be lit at home immediately or later in a difficult situation – they will bring blessings and good luck. The legends say that they are filled with a special spiritual meaning and the power of Divine love.

Also consecrate water… According to legends, it becomes healing: you can use it to wash or sprinkle the house. Water will help heal both physical and mental ailments. Until now, many beekeepers sprinkle it on their hives, and farmers – livestock. On this day, it was customary to pay attention to animals. In modern realities, it is worth taking care of pets.

February 15 is a must Apologize: and not only for themselves and their sins, but also for loved ones. Making peace with relatives, leaving old conflicts in the past is the best thing that can be done at the Presentation of the Lord. Even if the abuser is far away and you no longer communicate, it is advisable to let go of all the negativity.

What not to do at the Meeting

  • Skip church services

    If it is not possible to defend the entire service, then it is necessary to light a candle and pray.  

  • To speak evil

    In general, foul language is a sin. It is this day that people devote to their souls to cleanse themselves.

  • Take a bath

    Before washing in the bath, you need to chop wood, flood the bath, apply water. This applies to hard work. Therefore, it is better to refrain from the desire to take a steam bath.

  • Go on a long journey

    The trip may end badly due to bad weather.

  • Housework

    According to Scripture, it is better to refrain from heavy household chores. These include, in particular, washing and cleaning. Initially, this tradition arose when the Christian religion first appeared in Russia. To force people to gather in the temple, they were forbidden to work. And since there is no work, you need to devote time to your soul.

Weather signs

According to the popular calendar, on this day, winter meets spring. After the celebration, people used to prepare for the planting season. Of course, it was important for them that the weather was favorable. So they watched her carefully.

  • If the sky is clear, the sun is clear, then frost will come.

  • If the weather is cold, then spring will come later.

  • If there is a thaw, the spring will be warm.

  • If the stars are visible on the night of the Meeting, there will be a great harvest.

  • Strong wind – the year will be bad.

By the way

Cleaning can not be done not only at the Meeting. There are at least eight more situations when signs and church traditions do not advise taking up washing and cleaning.

And among the holidays – Christmas, Annunciation and Palm Sunday, Easter and the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

However, now priests do not impose restrictions on work these days. In the opinion of the church, messing around, indulging in idleness and being lazy is much worse than breaking tradition for the sake of labor. In addition, the ban on cleaning came from those distant times when housework was really very hard work. Now, when most of us have a lot of household helpers, and there is no need to carry water and chop wood, cleaning has become a kind of meditation – only for the benefit.

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