Preschool education for children

A child 3–5 years old is not yet ready for learning. He cannot and does not want to sit in one place for a long time, he is not ready to recognize the word “must”. He wants to play, which means that he will only be able to master science in a playful way. Cubes, mosaics, constructors and dolls are the best learning aids for this age. The task of parents is to support the child, explain what will help him overcome all difficulties, share personal experience and try to captivate him with the sciences. But parents will come to the rescue preschool educational centers.

Preschool education is an important stage in a child’s life. At this time, the first serious skills and abilities are laid, which will then remain for life.

Today there are a great many educational centers for preschoolers. All of them offer a lot of educational and developmental programs: from the usual drawing, singing and dancing classes to psychological games. Here are just a few of them.

Montessori. The main idea is to stimulate self-development. Children are provided with maximum independence within reasonable limits. They learn from the elders and teach the younger. This fosters self-confidence in the child, an objective approach to his behavior and develops his speech.

“I and We”. The method forms the emotional sphere of the preschooler, teaches you to understand and correctly express your own emotional state: by facial expressions, intonation, gestures, as well as to recognize the internal state of the people around you and adequately respond to it. Passes in shape game trainings for children, but can be supplemented with trainings for parents.

“Life Around Us”. This is an environmental education for children, the study of the relationship between nature and social phenomena. Helps the child in an accessible playful way to master environmental information, to form a careful and responsible attitude of children to wildlife.

“Synthesis”. The development of musical perception in children 4–7 years old introduces the child into the world of not only musical art, but also artistic culture in general.

All these programs will teach kids to be interested in the world around them, help develop their abilities and, of course, prepare them for school.

Details on the website

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