Presbyopia, which is what?

Donald Trump, Pope Francis, Warren Buffet and Elon Musk? What do they have in common? They are professionally active, social, tweet and have accounts on social networks. One more thing they are all presbyopia, but none of them have presbyopia as a limitation.

  1. Presbyopia is not a disease, temporary ailment, or a defect. It is a natural evolution of the organ of vision, inscribed in human physiology.
  2. In the case of presbyopia, age is the main risk factor, but the fast aging of our eyes is also influenced by: regular and long-lasting work in front of the monitor, taking antidepressants and antihistamines, inadequate diet or stimulants.

The eyes of a forty-year-old

One of the first symptoms of presbyopia, or presbyopia, is difficulty seeing clearly up close. At first, we move objects away from each other to see better. Unfortunately, our hands become too short with time. – Presbyopia is a natural process that most often affects people over the age of 2020. The first stage of lens aging occurs abruptly, and the loss of accommodation is evident. Over time, the defect deteriorates less rapidly. Every two or three years there is a loss of visual acuity by a quarter or half a diopter – explains the ophthalmologist professor Andrzej Grzybowski. The problem of presbyopia affects everyone, both people with myopia, hyperopia, and those who have had no problems with eyesight in the past. It is estimated that by 1,3, the number of people struggling with presbyopia in the world will be around XNUMX billion! – Life expectancy is constantly increasing and society is becoming more and more demanding. This makes us longer recipients of presbyopia – adds the ophthalmologist.

Presbyop yesterday and today …

Indeed, today’s 40-year-old does not resemble the hero of the cult series by Jerzy Gruza. He still feels young, later starts a family, is professionally and socially active, uses modern technologies. – In the past, presbyopia was better tolerated. Mainly because the close-up work activities were clearly separated from the distance work or intermediate distance work activities. If the 45-year-old was going to read a book, he would put on reading glasses and sit comfortably on the couch. This is history – in the last 20 years there have been many dynamic activities, such as using a mobile phone or a computer, and even today driving a car is completely different than it used to be. In the store, presbyopia will not see the price of the product, much less read the small print label. He will not recognize who is calling him and will not be able to dial the number from the address book. Today we cannot imagine our life without smartphones and tablets. We use them to check e-mails, learn foreign languages, and buy tickets to the cinema or theater. Presbyopia correction may enable us to overcome these difficulties – comments the ophthalmologist professor Andrzej Grzybowski.

* For more information on current solutions to correct presbyopia, see the new online platform dedicated exclusively to presbyopia:

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