With the onset of cold weather, we try to warm ourselves, not really thinking that the face also requires protection. After all, the skin of the face is open to all winds and frosts, and in order to soften the influence of bad weather, it must be prepared.
Elena Suchok, a cosmetologist from Nizhny Novgorod, talks about how to adapt the skin to the autumn-winter storms.
Compliance with the drinking regime – one of the most important conditions for good skin tone. Heating devices (batteries, electric and oil heaters) dry the air in both homes and offices, and the skin begins to suffer from dehydration. Therefore, drink at least 2–2,5 liters of water a day.
In addition, it is necessary to humidify the air in the premises by all available methods. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a humidifier, place any containers of water in all rooms.
Additionally, you can moisturize your skin with micellar water (just don’t do it outside!).
Food. No restrictive diets in winter! Diets and healthy skin are incompatible things. Meals should be complete, balanced and more intense than in summer. An obligatory building block of skin cells is protein, so there should be enough protein in the diet.
Vitamin complexes are a very important support for the skin in the autumn-winter period, since not enough vitamins are supplied with food at this time. The deficiency of vitamin D is especially acute. In autumn and winter there is little sun, namely, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced in the body. It is possible to compensate for its lack both from products (cod liver, oily fish, butter, etc.), and with the help of vitamin complexes.
Diet greens, especially parsley, are additional support for skin health and beauty. Fortunately, today dill and parsley are on the shelves all year round. Do not spare money on them – these expenses are justified.
Cosmetics. Aggressive agents should be avoided: alcohol-containing lotions and tonics, as well as alkaline soaps. They additionally dry out the skin. It is best to use mild cleansers.
Cream. It should have a completely different texture than in the summer. If in the heat it is preferable to use creams of light consistency, gel-like, moisturizers (or serums), then in winter it is better to use products that are denser in texture.
It is necessary to apply the cream 30-40 minutes before going outside, so that a protective film is formed, which will protect the skin from undesirable atmospheric phenomena (rain, wind, snow). At night, the cream should be applied no later than 30-40 minutes before bedtime, if you want it to nourish the skin and not the pillow. The remains of the cream can be removed with a napkin. Better yet, apply it to the skin in moderation, about the size of a small pea on each part of the face (forehead, cheeks, chin).
Those who believe that the thicker the cream is applied to the face, the more it will be absorbed, are deeply mistaken. The skin will take the cream just as much as it needs, so there is no point in overdoing it.
When caring for your face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area: it is these areas, as well as the hands, that give out the woman’s age in the first place. Therefore, in winter, you should always have a good nourishing hand cream in your purse. When we take off our gloves, the wind and temperature changes do not affect the skin in the best way.
If you use a cream in a jar, never take it out with your hands! Get yourself a special spatula (in extreme cases, you can do this with a cotton swab). You can put germs into the cream with your hand, and it will deteriorate before the specified time.
Scrubs. In cold weather, scrubbing the skin must be done very carefully. At home, scrubs can be used no more than once a week and are not aggressive (without hard blotches of crushed seeds), but with soft exfoliants (soft balls). After scrubbing, the face must be protonated with products according to the type of skin and apply a cream. It is very good to make a nourishing mask after the scrub: this will additionally nourish the skin.
Observing these simple rules, you will do your skin a great service and prolong youth for years.