Preparing marinade for rowsRyadovki – mushrooms are not very popular, but unusually tasty. Many chefs especially note pickled rows cooked at home. How to carry out this process correctly and how to prepare a marinade for rows so that the appetizer turns out delicious?

It should be noted right away that it is better not to use fresh rows, as this can cause an upset of the digestive system. Therefore, they are first boiled in salted water for 30-40 minutes, and then marinated. Marinade prepared for row mushrooms makes fruiting bodies fragrant, tender and fragile. It’s hard to refuse such an amazing snack, because it is eaten in the blink of an eye.

Before boiling the rows, they should carry out a primary treatment: clean them of dirt, cut off the lower part of the leg, rinse thoroughly in plenty of water, and sometimes soak for several hours or even days.

After that, boil, as mentioned above, and only then proceed to pickling.

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How to prepare a marinade for poplar rows

Preparing marinade for rowsFor this recipe, poplar rows are perfect, which are easy to prepare, since they do not have to be soaked. The poplar row marinade option will make the appetizer taste amazing. Love for such a preparation will appear immediately after trying the first mushroom.

It is worth saying that when boiling fruiting bodies, you need to constantly remove the foam formed on the surface, since the transparency of the marinade prepared for the rows will depend on this.

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  • 2 kg of boiled rows;
  • 2 Art. l salts;
  • 2,5 Art. liter. sugar;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 70 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 4 bud of carnation;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 5-7 currant leaves.

Preparing marinade for rows

  1. We distribute half of all spices and vinegar into sterilized glass jars.
  2. We spread the boiled rows on top, as well as the second half of the spices and vinegar.
  3. Boil water and fill jars with mushrooms with it.
  4. Cover with lids and sterilize in a saucepan with hot water for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll up, turn over, insulate with an old blanket and leave to cool completely.
  6. We store in the refrigerator or in the basement.

Marinade for poplar rows with wine vinegar

Preparing marinade for rowsWe suggest preparing a marinade for the rows for the winter, using not table vinegar, but wine. This ingredient makes the appetizer unusually tasty and fragrant. In this embodiment, it is also good to use poplar rowing. Even a small amount of spices and spices reveals the mushroom taste to the fullest.

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  • 2 kg of fresh rows;
  • 400 ml wine vinegar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 7 peas of black pepper;
  • 1,5 Art. l salts;
  • 2 st. l. Sahara.
Preparing marinade for rows
We boil the cleaned and washed rows in salted water for 30 minutes, constantly removing the foam.
Preparing marinade for rows
We clean the onion from the husk and cut into small cubes.
Preparing marinade for rows
We clean the carrots, wash them and also cut them into small cubes.
Preparing marinade for rows
Combine chopped vegetables with vinegar and water, cook for 5 minutes.
Preparing marinade for rows
We introduce spices and spices, boil for another 20 minutes.
Preparing marinade for rows
We put the boiled rows in the marinade for vegetables and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Preparing marinade for rows
Put the mushrooms together with vegetables in sterilized jars with a slotted spoon.
Preparing marinade for rows
Cook the marinade for the poplar row over low heat for another 10 minutes and pour mushrooms over it.
Preparing marinade for rows
We roll up the jars or close them with tight nylon lids.
Preparing marinade for rows
We warm with an old down jacket or a blanket, and after cooling we put it in the refrigerator.

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Marinade with cinnamon for rows: recipe for 1 liter of water

Preparing marinade for rows

Marinating with the addition of cinnamon will give the dish a special taste and aroma.

Mushrooms will turn out very tasty, tender and fragrant.

  • 3 kg boiled rows;
  • 3 Art. l salts;
  • 150 ml of vinegar;
  • ½ tsp citric acid;
  • 5 st. l. no sugar top;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • 7 black peppercorns.

We take 1 liter of water for the marinade for the rows.

  1. Boiled rows are poured with water and all spices and spices are added, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Fill sterile dry jars with mushrooms and pour the marinade to the very top.
  3. Put in a pot of hot water and sterilize for 30 minutes.
  4. Cover with lids, let cool and refrigerate.

Marinade or brine for rows with mustard seeds

Many rows have low taste, so the proposed recipe for a marinade or brine for rows with mustard seeds may come in handy. It will improve the taste of the dish and remove the bitterness inherent in these fruiting bodies.

  • 1 kg row boiled;
  • 1,5 Art. l salts;
  • 2 Art. liter. sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • vinegar;
  • 1/2 st. l. mustard seeds;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 umbrellas of dill.

Preparing marinade for rows

  1. Distribute the boiled rows into sterile and dry jars (they are 3 pieces of 0,5 l each), pour mustard seeds on top, chopped garlic, dill umbrellas and pour in 1,5 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
  2. In water, mix sugar and salt, mix until the crystals dissolve, let it boil and pour hot into the mushrooms.
  3. Immediately roll up with sterilized lids, turn over, insulate with an old blanket and, after cooling, take it out to the basement.

Preparing marinade for rows

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