Preparing homemade mint liqueur: now everyone is asking me to visit

My grandfather, who lives in the village, brews moonshine. I have not tried to cook it, this process is difficult for me, and long. But to make a berry liqueur or homemade herbal liquor is my thing. I want to share with you my favorite mint liqueur recipe.

I received this message from my subscriber Victoria V. How do you like this liqueur?

History in brief

My first experience of making homemade mint liqueur was quite successful. Despite my husband’s skeptical remarks, I got a delicious drink.

Homemade alcohol recipes are good because the strength and sweetness can be adjusted independently, based on personal tastes and preferences.

Necessary ingredients

I’ll note right away – ready-made (from the store) mint liqueur of a pleasant green color. In my opinion, this color is due to chemical additives. Because my mint-infused homemade liqueur will turn green if only food coloring is added.


  • ethyl alcohol 96% – 250 ml;
  • bottled water – 350 ml for tincture,
  • about 600 ml of water to bring to the final result;
  • fresh peppermint – a bunch;
  • sugar – 2 glass;
  • lemon.


Cooking takes place in 2 stages: infusion and subsequent bringing to readiness.

Step 1

  1. Remove the lower part of the sprigs from the mint. Wash thoroughly.
  2. In a 650 ml clean jar, I put the mint tightly, pour it with alcohol, add water (400 ml). I close the lid and send it to a dark place to infuse – on a shelf in the kitchen cabinet. Insist 7, and preferably 10 days. Be sure to shake the jar every 3 days.

After a week, the infusion should be dark green (khaki), after another 3 days, acquire the color of cognac – rich brown.

Although if you are in a hurry, then 7 days of exposure for mint tincture is enough.

Step 2

  1. Boil the syrup – 2 cups of sugar in 2,5 cups of water. The liqueur should be sweet and not too strong. Plus, you need to take into account the strength of the alcohol on which you insist. When using vodka or cognac instead of alcohol, sugar and water, you will need less.
  2. Add the juice of one lemon to the tincture (optional).
  3. Pour in the syrup. To get a pleasant strength liquor of 20% from 250 ml of 96% alcohol, it must be diluted in 950 ml of water. For the tincture, 400 ml was used, syrup 500 ml, total 900. Conduct a test, then add 50-100 ml of water to your liking. You can make a stronger liquor by taking less water for the syrup, but this is not for everyone.

To summarize

Homemade mint liqueur is ready. Strain it to remove the lemon fibers. Pour into a clear bottle and store in the refrigerator. When guests arrive, serve the drink in stemmed shot glasses or vodka shot glasses. You can additionally decorate with a sprig of mint.

To calculate the strength of a homemade drink, I used the calculator for diluting alcohol with water online, a handy thing. You can calculate in your own way.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health Take care of yourself!

I liked this recipe, I’ll wait for the summer, fresh mint in the country and try to make it. Do you have any tricks for making mint liqueur? Share with me in the comments, I will be grateful.

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