Preparing carrot seeds for planting: tips and steps

What gardener does not dream of getting a good harvest in his garden. To achieve the desired results, it is important to pay attention to the crop being grown at all stages of growth. Particular attention should be paid to the process of selection and preparation of seed material. Below we will tell you how to prepare carrot seeds before planting so that they germinate quickly and evenly, and also look at ways to test seeds for suitability.


This method was successfully used by our ancestors. Its essence lies in the preliminary germination of the seed in natural conditions. Wait for the moment when the snow begins to melt in the garden. Dig in a place convenient for you a small hole as deep as a shovel bayonet. Now prepare the filling for the hole.

Take a small linen bag and fill it with seeds soaked in water. Lower the workpiece into the hole and sprinkle with earth.

From above, form a hill of snow. It will protect raw materials from sudden frosts, and during thawing it will saturate the earth with moisture. You need to get the bag in 10-12 days. If you do everything right, then as a result you should get stronger and germinated seeds. Before planting, they are carefully mixed with river sand and the beds are sown.


This method of preparing seeds before planting helps them germinate faster. Take a convenient container and fill it with water at room temperature (+25-+27°C). Now pour the required amount of carrot seeds into it and prepare the oxygen-producing apparatus. It is most convenient to use an aquarium compressor with a tube for these purposes at home.

Exposure to air should last from several hours to 1 day. After such a procedure, the seed swells and gets rid of excess particles that inhibit the germination process. To get the desired effect, the tube must be placed at the very bottom. Thus, the seeds will be in constant motion. After saturation with oxygen, the seeds are wrapped in natural fabric and placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Before planting, the seeds are dried to a state of flowability.


This method of preparing carrots for sowing involves the creation of a protective shell on the seeds of nutrients. Experts consider this method one of the most effective. The procedure can be carried out at home. It greatly facilitates the process of planting and reduces the rate of consumption of seed material per unit of land.

First get 1 glass of liquid mullein. Then mix 1 cup of humus and 1 cup of dry peat. Now pour 2 teaspoons of carrot seeds into a liter jar. Next, 2 tablespoons of the nutrient mixture and 1 tablespoon of mullein are added to the jar. The jar is closed with a lid and shaken thoroughly for 2-3 minutes.

Such manipulations are repeated until the entire mullein and a mixture of peat and humus are used. At the end, the seed should be covered with a dense shell. Pour the blank from the jar onto a paper towel and dry. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 3-5 days before the planned sowing.

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How to quickly prepare seeds for planting


One of the simplest and most common ways to prepare seeds before sowing is soaking. This procedure solves two issues at once – it saturates with useful substances and accelerates growth. There are a large number of recipes for soaking solutions. Below we will present some of the most effective options.

If you are against any chemical additives, we suggest soaking carrot seeds in an ash solution. For 1 liter of warm water, you need 1 tablespoon of wood ash. Often, experienced gardeners use professional fertilizers for soaking. Take 1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of liquid fertilizer Sodium Humate or Effecton-O fertilizer.

Preparing carrot seeds for planting: tips and steps

Also, before planting, you can soak the seeds in solutions with growth stimulants. The following products are presented on the modern agricultural market: Krezatsin, Emistim, Epin, Agat-25K and others. It is customary to soak in ordinary water, but in this case it is better to take rain water, not from the tap. In whatever solution you decide to soak the seed, it is important to consider the general rules for this procedure.

For convenience, place the seeds in linen bags. Soak them in the solution for a maximum of 24 hours. After the time has elapsed, remove the seed, rinse it and place it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Dry the seeds before planting.

Test for germination

Before preparing raw materials for sowing, it is necessary to make sure of its suitability. To check the percentage of germination, do a test plant at your home 2-3 months before planting. Be sure to remember the amount of planted material, and compare the numbers with the results of seedlings. Normally, carrots produce 60-80% of seedlings. If results are below 40-50%, replace seeds.

A simple and proven method will help to select fertile seeds from “pacifiers”. To test, you will need to soak the seeds in room temperature water for several hours. The good seeds will sink to the bottom and the bad ones will float on the surface. You just have to collect and throw away illiquid assets.

Video “Preparing for landing”

How to prepare carrots for planting, how to ensure maximum yield – you will learn from the video below.

2_Preparation of carrot seeds for planting. ALL ABOUT GROWING CARROTS.

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