Preparing a budley for winter: how to cover David’s varieties and whether it is necessary to cover a flower in the fall in the Moscow region and other regions

Budleya is a shrub native to China. Its flowering period falls in autumn, while most other plants “fall asleep” at this time. The shrub is drought-resistant, in the cold period of time it requires proper care. Therefore, the question of how to prepare a budley for winter is very relevant for many gardeners.

Pruning in the fall

In order to admire the regular and abundant flowering, the buddley must be cut off in a timely manner. In addition, there are a number of reasons confirming the feasibility of this procedure:

  1. Aesthetic aspect. The branches of a neglected plant are strongly drawn out. Because of this, the shape of the shrub loses its presentability.
  2. Immunity. Regular pruning of branches stimulates the budley’s resistance to environmental factors and diseases.

Preparing a budley for winter: how to cover Davids varieties and whether it is necessary to cover a flower in the fall in the Moscow region and other regions

Pruning dates in most cases fall in October-November. The main guide for the gardener will be the blackening of the leaves of the shrub. In order for autumn pruning to bring maximum benefit to the shrub, it is necessary to understand the technical aspects of its implementation.

Autumn pruning is carried out in two stages:

  • removal of inflorescences after flowering;
  • run shortening.

As a result of the procedure, the height of the budley branches should not exceed 25 cm, which will positively affect its spring development. After pruning, the plant is not fed, but systematically hilled. Fertilize the plant with potassium-phosphorus mixtures in early July – this activates the growing season and supplies the bush with the nutrients necessary for abundant flowering.

Video “How to cut a budley for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to prepare a budley for the winter period.

Budley care in the fall. How to cut a budley for the winter

winter shelter

How to cover a budley for the winter is a question that worries many novice gardeners. And not in vain, because the shelter of the bush is considered one of the most important aspects of care. There is no specific deadline for preparing insulation for the winter. You need to be guided by the characteristics of the budley variety and the region of residence.

You can cover the shrub only after the cold weather sets in on the street. Otherwise, the branches, and with them the root system of the budley, may rot from excess moisture. Shrub seedlings that are not yet resistant to frost are recommended to be dug up and stored in the basement.

Adult plants are insulated by the following methods:

  1. In the northern latitudes, the budley is insulated by creating a kind of slate case around the trunk. First, the trunk is covered with a thick layer of dry soil. Then, on top of the soil, a structure of suitable size is installed, like a box, and covered with slate or roofing material. Sawdust, polyethylene and other heat-insulating materials are unacceptable, as they will inevitably lead to rotting of the root zone of the bush.
  2. For regions with severe winters, the method of constructing a greenhouse is relevant. The trunk of the budley is covered with soil, and the root area is mulched with manure or peat. Arcs are installed along the perimeter, on which agrotextile or film is pulled. For additional frost protection, dry leaves or straw are distributed over the greenhouse.

Regional Distinctive Features

The method of warming the shrub directly depends on the climatic features of a particular region. In Siberia and the Urals, many gardeners use sawdust as an organic insulation. They are poured on top of a plant cut off and covered with a special material. The disadvantage of this method is the ability of sawdust to absorb moisture, which often causes decay and death of autumn lilacs.

In the Moscow region, where winters are relatively mild, a kind of polyethylene greenhouse is being built over the budley. This is more than enough for a comfortable wintering of the plant. Residents of the Volga region install a greenhouse, on top of which a thick layer of mulch is distributed, which provides a high level of thermal insulation.

Frost-resistant varieties

Preparing a budley for winter: how to cover Davids varieties and whether it is necessary to cover a flower in the fall in the Moscow region and other regions

There are frost-resistant varieties that tolerate winter well without any additional insulation. They can be grown even in severe frosts. These include buddles:

  • Wilson;
  • Vicha;
  • David;
  • snowy;
  • white-flowered.

Novice flower growers often make a number of mistakes that negatively affect even such a resistant plant. Among them:

  • early warming, which is fraught with decay of the root system;
  • top dressing made under the bush in the fall;
  • belated opening of the budley in spring, as a result of which the plant rots.

Many summer residents give their preference to budley shrubs. It is famous for its charming autumn flowering and honey notes in the aroma.

The flowering period, by the way, is much longer for budley than for other horticultural crops. A clear advantage is its unpretentiousness – many plant varieties perfectly tolerate both summer drought and frost in the cold season. The gardener can only take care of her wintering: prepare the plant itself and a cozy shelter for it. A responsible and patient grower will certainly be grateful for the lush and fragrant flowering of this shrub.

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