Canning is the best way to store vegetables for a long time. Salads for the winter of cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes are one of the many harvesting options. The preparation of such a vegetable composition does not require significant experience in cooking and does not take much time. Therefore, this solution will definitely appeal to lovers of canned salads.

How to roll up a salad where there are zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers

For harvesting, only high-quality and fresh vegetables should be used. It is advisable to take young specimens of cucumbers and zucchini. They must be small. The best option is to cook for the winter immediately after harvesting the fruits in the garden or in the greenhouse.

Important! When choosing cucumbers and zucchini, you need to consider the presence of seeds. For salads, vegetables containing a large number of large seeds should not be used.

Tomatoes are recommended to take sweet varieties. Sour tomatoes do not go well with other vegetables. Such varieties are better suited for making juices, first courses and adjika.

Fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. The presence of soil residues on zucchini and cucumbers is an important indicator when buying in a store. It indicates that the fruits have not been soaked in water before, which means they are fresh.

The ingredients are recommended to be washed under running water. Cucumbers must be tried so as not to be bitter. It is recommended to trim the edges on the sides. Tomatoes should have a hard core removed. After preparing the vegetables, we prepare the salad and close the zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter.

A simple salad recipe for the winter of cucumbers, zucchini and tomato

There are several options for harvesting for the winter. This recipe presents the easiest cooking method, which provides for a minimum set of components.

These include:

  • zucchini, cucumbers – 700 g each;
  • tomatoes – 400 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • salt – 0,5-1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • vinegar – 40 ml;
  • sugar – 120
Important! Vegetables should be cut into equal-sized pieces. You can grind into large cubes or straws.
Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Since the salad is subjected to a short heat treatment, the vegetables retain most of the vitamins.

Method of preparation:

  1. Place chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini in a saucepan.
  2. Add oil, sugar, garlic, salt, stir.
  3. Put the container on the fire, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

In the process of heat treatment, vegetables form juice. Thanks to this, the salad will not be dry. It is laid out in cans of 0,5 or 0,7 liters and rolled up.

Preparation for the winter of a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini with herbs

You can add a wide variety of components to spins. Fresh herbs will be a great addition to the harvest, making it more appetizing.

Necessary ingredients:

  • zucchini, cucumbers – 1 kg each;
  • tomato – 500 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil, vinegar – 100 ml each;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • dill, parsley, green onion – 1 bunch each;
  • salt and pepper – to taste.

As an addition to the described composition, it is recommended to use 3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste. With its help, you can prevent burning until the components release the juice.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Cut peeled tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, place in a deep saucepan.
  2. Add oil, vinegar, sugar, salt.
  3. Stir the contents of the container and put on the stove.
  4. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat.
Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Before spinning salads, jars must be sterilized in a water bath for 15 minutes.

The blank must be rolled up in pre-sterilized jars. To do this, put a glass container of the required volume on a steam bath for 15-20 minutes.

Salad of zucchini, tomato and cucumbers with garlic

Cooking a salad of zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes together for the winter usually involves heat treatment. This recipe eliminates such a need, which greatly simplifies the preparation of vegetables.

You need:

  • cucumbers, zucchini – 1,5 kg each;
  • tomatoes – 800 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • garlic – 1 large head;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • vinegar, sunflower oil – 150 ml each;
  • black pepper – 8-10 peas;
  • salt – 3 tbsp l.

The cooking method is incredibly simple.

Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

The salad is ideal for all supporters of proper nutrition.


  1. Zucchini and cucumbers with tomatoes are crushed into cubes, mixed in a container with oil, vinegar, sugar and spices.
  2. Garlic can be finely chopped or passed through a press.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and marinated in the refrigerator.
  4. Then it is placed in jars sterilized on a steam bath and closed.

Salted salad of cucumber, zucchini and tomatoes for the winter

It is enough to simply prepare a delicious lightly salted salad of fresh vegetables. It can be eaten almost immediately or canned to be opened in the winter.

List of ingredients:

  • cucumbers, tomatoes – 1,5 kg each;
  • zucchini – 1 kg;
  • onion – 750 g;
  • vinegar – 3 st. l .;
  • salt – 3 Art. l .;
  • vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 3 st. l.

Vegetables are thoroughly washed and left to drain so that excess liquid does not get in. Zucchini is best peeled.

Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Cucumbers in the salad are lightly salted, fragrant and crispy


  1. Cut cucumbers into slices, zucchini into cubes, tomato into oblong slices.
  2. Mix in a saucepan or wide bowl.
  3. Add half-cut onion.
  4. Introduce spices, sugar, oil with vinegar.
  5. Stir the ingredients and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

While the mixture is infused, the jars should be boiled. The indicated amount of ingredients is calculated for 4 containers of 1 liter. Each jar is filled with salad, placed in boiling water, then taken out and rolled up.

Adjika from tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini

You can prepare vegetables not only in the form of a salad, but also an appetizing adjika. This option will appeal to connoisseurs of cold appetizers and can complement any dish.

The following components will be required:

  • zucchini, tomatoes – 3 kg each;
  • cucumber – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • sweet pepper – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 0,5 glass;
  • ground red pepper – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 50-60 g.

Vegetables must first be peeled. Otherwise, its particles will fall into adjika, affecting the consistency.

How to make adjika:

  1. Peeled zucchini, cut into large pieces.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder with garlic.
  3. Add oil, sugar, salt.
  4. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, cook for 40 minutes.
  5. 7 minutes before the end, add red pepper.
Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Adjika is moderately salty, spicy and spicy

Ready adjika is filled with jars and rolled up. This method of preserving cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and peppers is sure to please with its simplicity.

Awesome SALAD FOR WINTER from courgettes, tomatoes and bell peppers – Feel free to cook a double portion!

A quick recipe for a delicious salad of cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes with carrots

Carrots are considered an integral component of many preparations for the winter. It is great for preservation in combination with zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers.


  • zucchini, cucumbers – 1 kg each;
  • carrots and tomatoes – 0,5 kg each;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • vinegar – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 5 Art. l .;
  • garlic – 4-6 cloves.

The ingredients can be chopped, chopped on a grater, or you can use a special nozzle on a blender or food processor. The use of such household devices can reduce the time required to prepare the components.

Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Salad can be used as a separate dish and as a side dish for meat or poultry

Cooking process:

  1. Grind zucchini, cucumbers, carrots into thin long strips.
  2. Tomatoes cut into cubes.
  3. Mix the ingredients in an enamel pan.
  4. Add minced garlic.
  5. Add oil, vinegar, sugar, salt.
  6. Stir the ingredients and put the container on the stove.
  7. Stirring regularly, bring contents to a boil.
  8. Simmer for 30 minutes.

The salad is removed from the pan with a slotted spoon and densely filled with a glass container. From above, the contents are poured with the remaining hot juice, rolled up with an iron lid.

Spicy zucchini salad with cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

You can cook vegetables for the winter using original ingredients. A workpiece made according to this recipe will surely appeal to lovers of spicy.

Component List:

  • cucumbers, zucchini – 1 kg each;
  • tomato – 700-800 g;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • chili pepper – 0,5-1 pod, depending on preferences;
  • sunflower oil, vinegar – 100 ml each;
  • salt – 30 of
Preparations from zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter: recipes for canning salads

Winter seaming can be used as an addition to porridge, meat and potatoes

Cooking process:

  1. The chopped components are mixed in a saucepan, vinegar, oil, salt are added.
  2. The container is put on fire, the contents are brought to a boil.
  3. Crushed pepper is introduced into the workpiece, stirred and removed from the stove.
  4. The finished salad is laid out in jars, closed.

Storage Rules

Rolls with vegetables are kept in the basement, cellar or refrigerator. Storage in a pantry is allowed, provided that the jars are not exposed to direct sunlight. The optimum temperature in the room where conservation is located is 6-8 degrees. Under such conditions, the harvest will last for 2-3 years. At higher temperatures, the period is reduced to 8-12 months.


Salads for the winter of cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes are simple and affordable for everyone. This is one of the best ways to harvest seasonal vegetables for the winter. The right choice of ingredients, preparation, and preservation technology ensure long-term preservation of seamings. Salads prepared according to recipes are sure to delight not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year.

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