Preparations for lice, or how to fight them?

Head lice is usually diagnosed in children between 3 and 12 years of age. This is due to the fact that children often stay in large groups. The disease is transmitted directly, but also through infected items such as combs, hairpins, hats, clothes, bedding, mattresses, stuffed toys and many more.

What are lice?

Head louse reaches a size of 2-4 millimeters. Importantly, the female lays about 6-8 eggs a day for 20 consecutive days. Lice stick to the scalp because they produce the sticky substance. The larva hatch from the eggs within 10 days, after which it becomes an adult. Adult lice and nymphs may be harder to see because they nest behind the ears, on the back of the head and on the crown. On the other hand, the better visible nits are small, oval-shaped, gray-white in color. It is difficult to shake them out of the head or separate them with fingers, they are stuck to the hair close to the root. When someone has head lice the scalp is itchy, there is also reddening of the skin (especially at the hairline and behind the ears) and itchy inflammatory lumps, and the hair is clumped with purulent-serous discharge.

What preparations to use?

In a situation where we notice in ourselves or in our child lice or nits, it is worth buying a special preparation at a pharmacy and starting treatment. It is important to read the package insert that comes with the product and follow the instructions. Funds for lice are available in several forms. We can find shampoos, gels, lotions and lotions. Apart from the name, the preparations differ in composition and method of use. The most popular are shampooswhich are divided into chemical, silicone and herbal. The first group, i.e. chemical shampoosused to be one of the most popular preparations, but now they are losing their effectiveness because lice become resistant to permethrin, which is the main ingredient of these products. Nevertheless, pharmacies offer such agents, for example Dr Soleil anti-parasitic shampoo or Sora Forte. Based shampoos silicone are preparations considered to be the most effective in the case of head lice. They eliminate both lice and nitsbecause the former are suffocated and the latter dry. They contain dimethicone and cyclomethicone. Thanks to these elements, it is also easier to remove troublesome “inhabitants” from the head. They are available on the Polish market among others: Hedrin, Paranit, Linicite, Nyda, Hermal Pedicure, Nitolic, Sora.

Head lice prophylaxis

Head lice can appear in every home, and lice can appear in people who care about hygiene. Wszom it does not matter what type of skin they nest on. The basic action that can help in the fight against head lice is carrying out regular hair checks. A very important aspect is using your own towel, hairbrush and other things that they can carry lice. It is also worth warning children against this, not to borrow personal items. Systematic cleaning, washing or changing things can also have a positive effect. Long hair should be pinned or braided. They are also available in the market preparations designed to scare away lice. Their effectiveness is not guaranteed, however parasites do not like the smell of the essential oils they contain. We will find in Poland: Protective Paranite, Sora Lotion, Hedrin Protection, Dr J’s Shampoo or Nitolic Prevent Plus.

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