Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent cosmetic and medicinal product. People buy it in pharmacies and stores, paying a lot of money for a small bottle. Few people think that they can get such a useful product on their own if a sea buckthorn bush grows in the yard.

Chemical component of sea buckthorn oil

The value of sea buckthorn oil is in its composition, which includes about 190 varieties of useful substances, including vitamins of all existing groups and minerals. Fatty acids are of particular benefit to the human body. It is impossible to list all the components. The substances that are most present in 100 ml of the product are reflected in the table.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

The uniqueness of the product is due to the high content of palmitoleic fatty acid, known as omega-7. This substance is present in all human tissues. A particularly high concentration is observed in the body. Taking sea buckthorn oil saturates the body with acid, which improves the structure of hair, nails, and skin condition.

Oleic acid is next in percentage. The substance lowers the level of cholesterol in the body, protects against atherosclerosis, and prevents the early development of diabetes.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

In third place in terms of content is linoleic fatty acid. The substance is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats within the human body. Omega-6 makes the walls of blood vessels strong, maintains normal pressure, and prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the human body.

The role of the most powerful antioxidant is assigned to vitamin E. The substance strengthens the heart, reproductive system, blood vessels. Vitamin prevents premature aging of the body, the occurrence of diseases.

Vitamin K improves blood clotting in humans. When wounded, healing is accelerated, bleeding stops faster.

A valuable product from sea buckthorn fruits has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, slows down the signs of aging of the body, protects against the harmful effects of UV rays, and destroys pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil at home

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

The process begins with the preparation of ingredients. Berries are the main product. You can get a valuable product from cake, juice, seeds. So that valuable material does not go to waste, it is necessary to choose a profitable recipe in advance. Sea buckthorn berries themselves also require careful preparation. To obtain a vitamin oily liquid, the following preparatory steps are carried out:

  • Only ripe berries are harvested for processing. If possible, the fruits are carefully sorted out, removing rotten, dry, cracked specimens.
  • After sorting, the fruits are washed several times, changing the water. Berries are considered ready when clean water is drained after washing.
  • Washed berries are laid out in one layer on a sieve or tray, put in the breeze in the shade to dry.

The preparation of raw materials is over. Further steps depend on the recipe.

Attention! When processing sea buckthorn berries, do not use metal utensils, especially aluminum or galvanized. The resulting oxidation will spoil the final product

Classic sea buckthorn oil recipe at home

The most accessible way for each person to obtain natural sea buckthorn oil is to use the classic recipe. The advantage lies in the high yield of the final product. The disadvantage is the admixture of another vegetable oil.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

You can prepare sea buckthorn oil according to the classic recipe using fresh fruits or after freezing. In the first case, there will be more benefit from the final product.

After washing, sorting and drying the berries, an important process begins:

  • Juice is squeezed out of berries in any way. You can simply crush the fruits, pass through a meat grinder. The resulting cake is squeezed through cheesecloth. Juice allowed for conservation. In the classic recipe, it is not needed.
  • The squeezed cake, together with the bones, is transferred to a glass container. Three glasses of raw materials add 500 mg of any vegetable oil.
  • The gruel inside the jar is thoroughly mixed, covered with a lid, put in a warm dark place for infusion.
  • A week later, the product is ready. You just need to carefully squeeze the cake.

After such preparation, the benefits of sea buckthorn oil will be weak due to the low concentration. To improve the product, cake is obtained from new berries. For pouring, the oily liquid prepared for the first time is already used. After double infusion, the final product will be more concentrated.

How to make sea buckthorn oil cold

This recipe is a bit like the classic version, but getting sea buckthorn oil will be a little more difficult.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Of the ingredients, you will need four cups of prepared sea buckthorn fruits and 500 ml of vegetable oil.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

To prepare sea buckthorn natural oil in a cold way, carry out the following steps:

  • Prepared berries are frozen. Fruits for a week are placed in the freezer. Defrosting should be done slowly. Berries from the freezer are transferred to the refrigerator.
  • After thawing, the fruits are washed well with clean water and the juice is squeezed out of them. It will also come in handy in the future. The juice is returned to the refrigerator.
  • The cake is thoroughly dried, the bones are removed from it. The resulting mass is ground with a coffee grinder.
  • Juice is taken out of the refrigerator, mixed with oilcake and vegetable oil. The resulting mass with the help of a saucepan is heated in a water bath for about 3,5 hours.
  • After a water bath, the mixture is left for three days to infuse. During this time, a greasy film will float to the surface. It needs to be collected. This will be the final product.

The procedure with a water bath and infusion is repeated up to three times. If the final product is not enough, take new berries and repeat the process.

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil from cake

To get a useful product from cake, you need to remember the classic recipe. The only difference is that the bones for infusion are not used.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

From the ingredients you will need berries and vegetable unrefined oil. Sea buckthorn oil is prepared according to the following technology:

  • Juice is squeezed out of the berries. It’s not needed in the recipe.
  • Three cups of pitted cake are poured into a glass jar, pour 500 ml of unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Infusion of cake lasts from 6 to 8 days. After filtering, the product is ready for use.

To improve the quality of the resulting oily liquid, you can once again fill in a new cake and let it stand for a week.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil from roasted berries

Sea buckthorn oil is extracted even from berries that have undergone heat treatment. Roasting increases the concentration of nutrients, but it must be done correctly.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

From the ingredients you will need fruits and unrefined vegetable oil.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil, follow these steps:

  • The berries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet, put in the oven to dry over low heat. The fruits are constantly stirred. Drying is carried out with the door ajar. To evaporate moisture. The berries should turn out hard, dry, but not burnt.
  • Roasted fruits are ground into flour with a coffee grinder. The resulting mass is poured into a jar.
  • Olive or other unrefined oil is slightly heated over a fire, poured into a jar of flour so that it covers it on top.
  • The infusion of the mass lasts about a week. At the end of the period, filtration is carried out through a fine sieve. The expressed liquid is still worth a couple of days. During this time, a precipitate will form from the remaining flour, which should be filtered in the same way.

A useful product is ready. To increase the concentration, you can repeat all the steps only with new berry flour.

Sea buckthorn seed oil recipe

The following recipe for natural sea buckthorn oil involves the use of only seeds.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

Of the ingredients in the recipe, bones extracted from sea buckthorn berries, as well as olive oil, are used.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • Juice is squeezed out of the berries with a juicer. It is used at will.
  • The cake is dried naturally, spread out in a thin layer on a metal sheet. The dry mass is rubbed with palms, trying to separate the bones. The leftover cake is thrown away or can be used for another recipe.
  • With a coffee grinder, the bones are ground to a powder state.
  • The flour is poured with olive oil so that the liquid covers the powder.
  • After two months of infusion, the product will be ready. It remains only to strain it.

The oily liquid will not have the traditional orange hue, since the seeds do not contain a coloring pigment.

How to make sea buckthorn oil from sea buckthorn juice

It will take a lot of patience to get sea buckthorn oil close to the factory product in concentration. The product is obtained from pure juice.

Ingredients and cooking technology

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

Of the ingredients, only sea buckthorn juice is used. The yield will be very small, but it will be a real pure product of high concentration without other impurities.

The method is based on obtaining pure juice, which is subjected to settling. After a day, a greasy film floats on the surface. This is that valuable oily liquid, which is carefully removed with a spoon, sent to a separate container. For convenience, it is better to use dishes with a wide neck. You can take a bowl, but not an iron one.

The video tells about the manufacture of sea buckthorn oil:

Sea buckthorn oil how to make at home

How to store sea buckthorn oil

Preparation of sea buckthorn oil

The oily liquid obtained according to any recipe is stored at a maximum temperature of +10оC. The refrigerator is considered the best storage place. The product is kept in a tightly sealed dark glass container. When exposed to light, beneficial substances are neutralized. The duration of storage depends on the quality and concentration, but not more than 1 year.


Sea buckthorn oil, self-made at home from berries, can be called natural with confidence. In terms of quality, it will not yield to a factory-made product.

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