We are happy and proud when they win. And how do high-class athletes train, how do they prepare themselves for the tests? Sports coach and trainer Benoît Valque reveals secrets that we can learn from Olympians.
Psychologies: Your job is to advise professional athletes*. How do they prepare for the Olympic Games? Let’s say, how was the preparation for the Olympics in Sochi?
Benoit Valk: In a psychological sense, their training lasts four years. This time must be properly managed in order to achieve its best form in the Olympic year. And the most intensive work at the training camp usually begins about two months before the start of the Olympics: it makes no sense to train 30 hours a week for six months – two is enough. Well, if the last two weeks of this special stage are devoted to acclimatization in the country in which the Games are held. And most importantly – active recovery: this last component is necessary to be in optimal shape in competition. Athletes gradually reduce the duration of training. For example, instead of five hours a day, you can practice only an hour. The general principle here is to change the training load. It doesn’t need to be linear.
Psychologies: What changes do they make to their diet?
B.V.: Diet is inextricably linked to the daily lifestyle of athletes. Of course, they make “energy reserves” with the help of slow sugars, such as pasta. With the approach of the competition, special attention should be paid to make up for the lack of vitamins, calcium, iron or magnesium, mineral salts … Blood tests allow you to assess the state of the body and, if necessary, adjust the diet. In addition, athletes try to avoid fatty foods, but there is no strict ban on certain foods. During the last two weeks they exercise less, so they eat less. On the eve of the competition, it is recommended to choose starchy foods (cereals, legumes, potatoes …) and limit the consumption of fruits and vegetables so as not to risk indigestion the next day. On the day of the competition, diet shakes, energy bars and the like are possible. In general, athletes monitor their nutrition, but remember to eat their fill. During this period, you do not need to count calories too strictly. Otherwise, there is a risk that “there is not enough fuel.”
Psychologies: Perhaps sleep also plays an important role?
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- Why do we watch the Olympics?
B.V.: Those who can sleep for about 30 minutes during the day. Some even do two such siestas. Sleeping gives the body time to recover. Most athletes go to bed quite early, they are so tired that they have no desire to stay up late. Real sleep problems usually have to be addressed on the spot. In particular, it is necessary to adapt to the difference in time zones. Athletes try to get used to it little by little, changing the rhythm in several steps (it can be 3-4 stages), for example, within 3 days. Moving to local time, they try not to go to bed earlier even when they are very tired. It is very important to get used to the time of the country they are visiting.
Psychologies: How do athletes deal with anxiety and stress?
B.V.: I repeat that internally they begin their journey to the Olympic Games already four years before their opening. In a few weeks, these expectations become reality. But I want to emphasize that most athletes do not perceive their participation in the Games as a need to operate in conditions of hard pressure, but as a huge, inspiring opportunity. They all come to the Olympics to win. These are the best representatives of each sport, professionals who have been living and training for many years in order to achieve this goal. Many follow the advice of sports psychologists, coaches, who help to solve problems of stress and tension. It is also extremely important to work on self-confidence.
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- Why do we watch the Olympics?
Psychologies: If in the life of one of us, ordinary people, non-Olympians, there is an important event or test that needs to be in the best shape, what would you advise?
B.V.: To take any important milestone, you must first psychologically tune in. The most well-known method is visualization, which allows you to prepare yourself for a certain situation by imagining it visually. Mentally, we can place ourselves in these circumstances, imagine possible problems, ways to cope with difficulties. And another important point: for those of us who are friends with sports, training on the eve of an important day can be a good way to de-stress and get together at the same time.
Psychologies: And if we strive to reach the Olympic form?
B.V. If I were asked to give only one, but the most important advice, it would be the following: lean less on training on vacation, but more regularly, throughout the year. It makes no sense to devote 10 hours to sports in one week. If before that a person did not train at all, then this will not give the desired effect. Such jerks bring mostly fatigue, and if then you do not continue classes, it will be lost time. It is better to train consistently and constantly in order to have a basic physical shape. This is a general principle for both “Sunday” sports fans and more professional athletes.
* For more information, visit the distance sports coaching website