Instructions for using the drug Batrider is quite simple – the product is dissolved in water. Then poured into the sprayer and proceed to the processing of vegetable, horticultural, ornamental or other crops. This should be done late in the evening, and the weather does not really matter, since the drug is highly effective.

Description of the drug Batrider

Batrider, SK is an insecticide designed to protect plants from a complex of pests:

  • grape leaflet;
  • egg white;
  • flower beetle apple;
  • scale insect Californian;
  • different types of aphids;
  • cotton scoop;
  • cabbage moth;
  • cruciferous fleas;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • fly cherry;
  • weevil;
  • thrips.

The range of application of the Batrider is wide – if necessary, it is used to destroy the onion fly and many other pests. The tool is used to protect many crops.

Composition and forms of release

Batrider is a chemical insecticide. Produced in the form of a suspension concentrate. Packed in plastic bottles of different volumes, for example, 10 ml.

The manufacturer and registrant of the product is the company “August” (Moscow, Our Country). The composition includes three active ingredients at once:

  • imidacloprid (at a concentration of 100 g per 1 liter of concentrate);
  • alpha-cypermethrin (125 g per 1 l);
  • clothianidin (50 g per 1 l).

Principle of operation

The active substances of Batrider insecticide belong to the chemical class of neonicotinoids (clothianidin and imidacloprid) and pyrethroids (alpha-cypermethrin). The former inhibit the action of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, disrupt sodium metabolism, which leads to nervous overexcitation against the background of impaired impulse transmission. As a result, the insects die.

Pyrethroids also disrupt the metabolic processes of sodium, the membranes of pest cells. As a result, the concentration of acetylcholine increases critically, which leads to mass death.

Preparation Batrider: instructions for use, reviews

The insecticide is one of the unique preparations based on three active ingredients at once.

According to the method of penetration, Batrider belongs to the following classes of pesticides:

  1. Intestinal – penetrates along with the juice of the eaten plant.
  2. Contact – in direct contact with the integument of the body.
  3. Systemic – penetrates into the tissues of the plant, moves through the vessels, from where it enters the body of the pest.

The death of insects is observed already in the first hours after treatment with Batrider. Moreover, the protective effect lasts for at least 14 days. After another 1-2 weeks, re-spraying may be required (if a strong invasion is observed). The waiting time is quite long – 20-30 days. It is better to start harvesting one month after the last treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Batrider insecticide is popular among summer residents and farmers. It has several tangible benefits.

Preparation Batrider: instructions for use, reviews

Batrider is effective against aphids, caterpillars, weevils and other pests


  • high-speed performance;
  • long period of protection;
  • unique three-component composition;
  • works in any weather, regardless of temperature and humidity;
  • suitable for protecting many crops;
  • affordable price.


  • very dangerous for bees;
  • waiting times are quite long;
  • not recommended for use in tank mixes;
  • forms resistance in insects, so it is desirable to carry out one treatment per season.

Instructions for use insecticide Batrider

Preparing a Batrider solution is easy. For this you need:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Measure the required amount of the drug in accordance with the dosages below.
  3. Dissolve it first in a small amount of water at room temperature.
  4. Then bring to a total volume and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour into a spray bottle and start processing.

Dosage, waiting times depend on the specific culture. At the same time, one spraying is enough for all plants. The second is done only in case of emergency.

Apple tree

Apple trees are sprayed to protect against the flower beetle, different types of aphids and the California scale insect. The standard dosage is 2 ml Batrider insecticide per bucket (10 l). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the consumption rate – from 1 to 5 liters per tree (depending on age). For example, if one apple tree grows on the plot, it is enough to dilute 1 ml in 5 liters of water. Harvesting is started no earlier than 20 days after spraying.

Preparation Batrider: instructions for use, reviews

It is enough to spend 1-2 liters of working solution for processing a young apple tree

Black currant

Blackcurrants are sprayed from leafworms and various types of aphids. In this case, the dosage is 2 ml per 10 liters. Carry out a total treatment of plantings, spending from 500 ml to 1 liter per bush. Consumption depends on the age of the plant and the density of the crown. Berry picking starts at least 30 days later.

Attention! During the fruiting period, it is recommended to use other drugs or folk remedies.

For example, an infusion of wood ash, wormwood, onion peel, chili pepper and many other recipes will go.


Cabbage is treated from common pests – whites, scoops, moths, as well as cruciferous fleas. The solution should be sufficiently concentrated – 2 ml per 3 liters. This amount is enough for the mass processing of one hundred square meters. Harvesting is allowed after a minimum of 20 days after spraying with Batrider insecticide.


The tool is also used to protect grapes from aphids. To do this, dissolve 2 ml in 10 liters of water. The solution is consumed in the amount of 1-5 liters per bush. You can harvest at least 20 days later.

Cherries and cherries

The drug Batrider is used to treat cherry weevil and flies, aphids and other pests. To do this, dissolve 2 ml of Batrider insecticide in a standard 1 liter bucket of water. Spraying is carried out, spending liquid in the amount of 1-5 liters per shrub. Berries can be harvested after at least three weeks.


Flower crops growing in the open field are sprayed to prevent and destroy thrips and various types of aphids. The concentration of the solution is 2 ml per 3 liters. This amount is enough to spray one hundred square meters.

Important! Batrider insecticide can also be used on houseplants.

In this case, the consumption rate will also be 2 ml per 3 liters. But this is a very large volume, so you can dissolve no more than 0,7 ml in 1 liter and start spraying.


Potatoes are treated with insecticide Batrider from the cotton bollworm. The standard consumption rate is 2 ml per 3 liters for spraying one hundred square meters of plantings. You can dig up the tubers after at least 20 days.


Outdoor tomatoes are sprayed against a wide range of pests. To do this, the Batrider insecticide is taken in an amount of 2 ml per 10 liters and treated with each hundred of plantings. If the beds are small, you can take 1 ml per 5 liters.

Preparation Batrider: instructions for use, reviews

Tomato harvest begins 20 days after processing

Ornamental trees and shrubs

Ornamental shrubs and trees can also be affected by thrips and various types of aphids. For processing, prepare a solution of insecticide Batrider with a standard dosage of 2 ml per 10 liters. The consumption rate for a tree is from 1 to 5 liters, for a shrub – from 500 ml to 1 liter of the finished solution.

Compatibility with other means

Batrider is not recommended for use in tank mixes. It can only be used in conjunction with various fungicides. Before this, it is recommended to conduct a chemical compatibility test.

Safety Precautions

Insecticide Batrider belongs to low-toxic drugs for humans (hazard class 3). It is very dangerous for bees (class 1). During processing, it is recommended to observe standard safety measures:

  1. Use gloves to protect your skin.
  2. Do not eat, drink or talk during treatment.
  3. Keep children out of the area.
  4. Prevent the solution from getting into the body, into the eyes, into the stomach.
  5. If splashed on skin, wash with soap and water.
  6. If the Batrider insecticide solution gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with a stream of water.
  7. If the composition is accidentally ingested, you need to chew a few tablets of activated charcoal and drink it with water. In extreme cases, you will need to seek emergency help.
Important! The drug should not be drained into the general sewerage or water bodies. It is prepared in an amount that can be used up at one time.
Preparation Batrider: instructions for use, reviews

For processing it is convenient to use garden sprayers


Batrider has no direct analogues. This is due to the fact that it already contains three different active ingredients in its composition. Most insecticides are one- or two-component. Thanks to its composition, Batrider is highly effective. It is suitable for the prevention and destruction of pests.


Instructions for use of the Batrider preparation contain a description of the composition, form of release, dosage of the plant treatment solution and other data. The tool is very effective, it contains three active ingredients at once. Therefore, in most cases, it is enough to carry out only one spraying per season.

Reviews about the drug Batrider

Gurieva Svetlana, 54 years old, Ivanovo
Batrider has become the best insecticide for me. Often drugs help from one beetle, then from another, and so that “from all at once” – rarely happens. But Batrider is an exception in this regard. It copes with almost all pests. I do the processing in May (on the eve of flowering), this is enough for the whole season.
Polotsky Andrey, 49 years old, Petrozavodsk
Batrider is a powerful and self-sufficient tool. It is not worth using it in mixtures – this is the only drawback. But the drug is effective, proven. It is universal – you don’t even have to bother what to spray and what not. Will definitely help.

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