Preparation and application of tincture of beaver stream (castorium)

Beaver stream (castoreum) is a substance that is produced by the endocrine glands of beavers. Organs are sacs filled with an odorous substance. Males and females expend the secret during the mating season and in order to mark their territory. Since animals feed on roots and herbs, musk is saturated with biologically active compounds, so beaver stream tincture has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

Healing properties of the beaver stream

The mention of the beaver stream as a medicine is found in the writings of Avicenna. The healer called the substance judibidastar and used it to treat hysterical conditions, convulsions and sexual disorders in men and women. The chemical composition of beaver musk was studied and described in 1954 by the Soviet scientist V. Kripitsky.

Further studies have shown that the odorous substance has bactericidal and wound-healing properties. In a published report, it was reported that the content of the endocrine glands of beavers contains unique ingredients that can fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Preparation and application of tincture of beaver stream (castorium)

Since the diet of beavers includes more than one and a half hundred different plants, the composition of the substance contains many useful components, including:

  • borneol – an organic acid with a characteristic coniferous odor;
  • salicylic acid – used in the treatment of skin diseases and rheumatism;
  • benzyl alcohol – disinfects wounds;
  • acetophenone – acts as a relaxing and hypnotic agent;
  • castorine and beaver gum – unique substances with enveloping properties;
  • macro- and microelements – potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and others.

The researchers note that the animals use the secret to heal their own wounds and moisten their fur with musk to make it waterproof. Since phyto-resins are present in the substance, it dissolves only in alcohol. For this reason, at home, tincture is made on diluted ethanol or vodka.

Recipe for alcohol tincture of beaver stream

The healing properties of the secret increase if the animal does not suffer. In Russia, there are more and more beaver farms, where the method of production of medicines is aimed at collecting musk without destroying the animal. Unfortunately, this practice is not yet widespread, and the sale of the healing liquid is mostly carried out by hunters who extract glands from dead animals.

The ducts are tied off, after which the bags are hung to dry in a room with good air circulation. The content of useful substances depends on the conditions of preservation. The mass of fresh secret is up to 200 g, during the drying process the weight is reduced by about a third, then the raw material is stored in a cool place.

Tincture preparation technology

  1. Finely chop 100 g dried gland.
  2. Pour 0,5 liters of vodka.
  3. Insist 3-5 days at room temperature.
  4. Dilute with vodka so that the liquid acquires the color of cognac.

Subsequently, the raw material can be reused, but the tincture in this case will be less effective. On average, up to 100 liters of healing liquid can be obtained from 1,2 g of raw materials. It is not necessary to filter the tincture and remove gland particles from it.

Preparation and application of tincture of beaver stream (castorium)

Reception of tincture of a beaver stream

Alcohol tincture of the beaver stream is widely used as a tonic and immunostimulating agent, helps with cardiovascular diseases and contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system.

Tincture should be taken 0,5 ml (teaspoon) before breakfast.

How does the tincture of the beaver stream work:

  • prevents viral diseases;
  • treats inflammation of the urinary system;
  • copes with gynecological diseases;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • relieves emotional stress;
  • heals wounds;
  • fights inflammation of the digestive tract.


Food intolerance is rare. The safest remedy is obtained from beaver farms, where the animals themselves give the secret to special receivers. A tincture of the dried glands of an animal killed in a trap will be of little use, since the tissues secrete decay products that are not very useful for the human body. The consequences can be gastrointestinal disorders, pain and other symptoms of poisoning.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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