Premature puberty – causes and symptoms

Sexual maturation, also known as puberty, is the period in which a young person undergoes major changes that lead to puberty. However, it happens that all these processes are faster. That’s when we talk about precocious puberty.

From a medical point of view, precocious puberty can be considered when the puberty symptoms occur in girls before the age of 8, and in boys before the age of 9.

The symptoms of puberty include the appearance of pubic hair, enlargement of the breasts in girls and penis in boys, or rapid growth.

Two types

Specialists distinguish two basic types of precocious puberty:

The first is true precocious puberty, that is gonadoliberynozależne.

The second is alleged precocious puberty, also known as gonadoliberin-dependent.

True precocious puberty is a consequence of the activation of the secretion of sex hormones in the gonads, which is caused by the hypothalamus producing GnRH, i.e. gonadotropin releasing hormone, e.g. follicle stimulating hormone FSH and luteinizing hormone LH. The hypothalamus is manifested by enlargement of the testicles in boys and breast enlargement in girls. It is also characteristic that these children grow very quickly. All changes are consistent with the sex of the child and are unlikely to show any abnormalities.

Premature puberty is more common in girls than boys. In girls, it is usually difficult to determine the causes of true precocious puberty. In boys, 90 percent. cases, it is related to malformations of the central nervous system (e.g. a non-neoplastic tumor of the hypothalamus, hydrocephalus), neoplasms of the central nervous system (e.g. astrocytomas), lesions resulting from encephalitis or meningeal inflammation, and complications of injuries.

Alleged precocious puberty is that the increased production of sex hormones is not caused by premature activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Such maturation may be gender-compatible or become heterosexual, that is, gender-incompatible.

Different causes, different symptoms

The changes seen in children have different causes in girls and boys. In girls, it can be a consequence of the development of, for example, ovarian cancer or cysts. Another cause is primary hypothyroidism, a congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Puberty becomes heterosexual, which means that the clitoris enlarges, the voice lowers and resembles a man with a burden, and hirsutism is visible all over the body.

In boys, premature pseudo-puberty may be provoked by neoplastic tumors of the testicles, the so-called germ cell tumors, primary hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia or neoplastic changes in the adrenal glands. The visible symptoms of these unfavorable changes are rapid growth, development of pubic and axillary hair, acne and a marked enlargement of the penis.

Important for the child

Premature puberty can cause many problems, both health and psychological. First of all, rapid growth may end up with the child not being tall enough. The reason for this is that the growth cartilages fuse together faster. A child’s psyche may be adversely affected by the fact that his body and external appearance will be significantly different from that of his peers. Such a child may be the target of ridicule or even harassment of peers.

For the future of a prematurely mature child, it is extremely important to recognize the cause of faster puberty, because, as we have already mentioned, it may be caused by the development of neoplastic disease. Therefore, if parents have any concerns, they should talk to their pediatrician as soon as possible. If, after a careful interview (here, information about the maturation process of the child’s parents and siblings is also important), the doctor determines that additional or specialized tests are necessary – he or she will refer the child to them.

How is it treated?

Treatment of premature puberty it always depends on the cause that started the accelerated maturation process. If tests show that it was caused by a tumor (e.g. in the brain, adrenal glands or gonads), it must be removed as soon as possible.

When the cause is congenital adrenal hyperplasia and primary hypothyroidism, it becomes necessary to administer the hormones that are lacking in the body, which will stop the overproduction of sex hormones. To suppress gonadoliberin (GnRH) secretion in the hypothalamus, your baby is given medications to stop this process.

If the causes of premature puberty are removed early enough, your baby’s development can continue smoothly. The normal process of sexual maturation in both sexes is extended over time and is usually mild – in girls within four years and in boys within 6-7 years. Each child matures in its own rhythm, although its course is also significantly influenced by genetic conditions, social conditions and place of residence, e.g. girls living in big cities menstruate faster than those living in the countryside. Regardless of the reasons for premature puberty (or only as perceived by parents), it is always better to contact a doctor in case of doubts so that he can dispel our doubts or implement appropriate treatment.

Text: Anna Jarosz

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