Premature menopause affects more and more women. Doctors suspect why

It is hard to imagine, but there are women who develop premature menopause in their early 20s, in their 18s and even 40 years of age. It is estimated that premature menopause occurs in one in a hundred women before the age of 30 and in one in a thousand women under XNUMX.

  1. – I learned that my symptoms could be premature menopause. And I’m only 29! And I would like to have children – says Aneta despairingly.
  2. Premature menopause is a difficult diagnosis to accept, especially when a woman is in her 20s or 30s. However, premature menopause does not have to close the path to motherhood
  3. Unlike physiological menopause, most premature menopause is a reversible process
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

In Aneta’s case, it all started with her hair coming out in handfuls and irregular menstruation. Hot flashes alternate with chills, especially at night. The period once was, once it did not appear at all. She felt constantly tired, moods changed like a kaleidoscope, and the libido in the sex she liked so much had dropped to zero. On top of all this there was also heart palpitations.

When anxious, she went to her doctor, found out that gynecologically everything was fine and she was given supplements. But it was not okay, because the period stopped coming for good.

– Then I went to another gynecologist. I was referred for extended examinations: transvaginal ultrasound, cytology, estrogen and progesterone levels. I also learned that my symptoms could be premature menopause. And I’m only 29! And I would like to have children – says Aneta despairingly.

Premature menopause affects more and more women

Apart from the symptoms Aneta had to deal with, there are also other menopausal symptoms. These include excessive skin dryness and vaginal dryness, excessive sweating, and trouble falling asleep. In individual women, they may occur with a different frequency and intensity, it is an individual matter.

The average age at which women begin the menopause is around 50 years of age. Unfortunately, menopause sometimes takes a long time to catch. It is not known exactly what is the main cause of premature menopause, but studies show that it affects more and more women. It is estimated that premature menopause affects an average of one in a hundred people.

Scientists speculate that one of the effects of this condition is that the reproductive age is shorter and shorter, as women give birth at an increasingly later age. «I still have time for my private life, marriage and a child. First, education and work »- they think most often. And yet, after the age of 30, a woman’s fertility drops significantly because she produces much less progesterone and the risk of premature menopause increases significantly.

  1. Hormonal disorders – what are their symptoms and how to prevent them?

There is also much talk about the relationship between premature menopause and the history of the reproductive period. Research shows that the earlier your first period occurs, the earlier your menopause can be.

If you have menopausal symptoms, try Red clover + for menopause from Herbapol in Krakow. The preparation will help reduce symptoms. You can buy it separately or in Menopause – a herbal set for women. We also recommend Pemesiv ™ YANGO – a dietary supplement for women available at a promotional price.

  1. Symptoms of premature menopause. How do you know if you are starting to bleed?

When does the risk of premature menopause increase?

– Of course, I rushed to dig the net, I was looking for information about premature menopause. I have read that the risk of early menopause automatically increases if a mother or older sister has a case of premature menopause. And my mother faded quite early, at the age of 40. I also read that it is not known what exact mutation could trigger menopause more than 10 years earlier, but it has to do with the so-called vertical pattern of inheritance. Which means that not only the mother, but also the grandmother of a given woman, also underwent the menopause much earlier – reports Aneta.

In this way, the woman eliminated other possible causes of her premature menopause, i.e. autoimmune diseases responsible for modifying the way the endocrine system works.

Diseases such as Hashimoto’s, Addison’s disease, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and myasthenia gravis mobilize the immune system to an excessive, abnormal inflammatory reaction, which in turn disrupts the integrated work of the body as a whole.

Is this premature menopause? Do a genetic test and check.

Hormone therapy in the fight against early menopause

She also ruled out other causes of early menopause, such as removal of the ovaries or uterus. But smoking, dietary mistakes, and prolonged and severe stress are not conducive to premature menopause.

  1. How will you know when stress is having a negative effect on your health? [WE EXPLAIN]

– Who is not under stress today? In my case, the symptoms of premature menopause coincided with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown. While sitting at home, I also met other girls who are struggling with the same condition as me. There are well over 600 of us on one of the Facebook groups, so the problem is not an isolated one. I know from girls that sometimes they are not well diagnosed, some have spent a lot of money on trichologists, conditioners and special shampoos due to hair loss. Meanwhile, only hormone therapy turned out to be helpful for her – explains the 27-year-old.

A helpful preparation in the period of menopause is, for example, Klimaktil menopause Pharmovit containing herbal extracts, which are designed to support the work of hormones and reduce the discomfort associated with menopause. We also recommend Menopause – a natural herbal mixture for her Lorem Vit, which includes: red clover flower, motherwort herb, passionflower herb and hawthorn inflorescence. These herbs have a positive effect on the woman’s body and support it during menopause.

Chances of motherhood in early menopause

– I started treatment. It comforts me that hormone therapy will bring results and the hormone deficiencies will be replaced. I will be confined to treatment until my natural menopause. And I hope you get pregnant. One of the girls from the Facebook group was also diagnosed with menopause and an indication for IVF. However, she found a doctor who knew her stuff to prescribe her estrogen. After six months, she became pregnant. She gave birth to a son.

– I know from the doctor that even if I had problems with fertilization, I have two solutions: either the in vitro fertilization procedure, which gives a chance to give birth to a child even after the onset of menopause, or the adoption of an egg, i.e. using a donor cell at the Egg Cell Bank. It is available to those who cannot fertilize with their own reproductive material – says Aneta.

“The only benefit I have from premature menopause”

Aneta has one more option: freezing her own eggs. The method is to stimulate ovulation and obtain mature eggs. After collecting the material – under ultrasound control and using a special needle – the eggs are frozen by very quick cooling. Once cured, the eggs can be used to achieve pregnancy by in vitro fertilization. With proper storage, the egg can be successfully used even after several years

– I was advised to lead a healthy lifestyle, be physically active and eat properly. I put it all into practice, and this is the only benefit I have from premature menopause. At least I’ll lose weight.

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