Premature ejaculation – facts and myths
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Premature ejaculation, or ejaculation after minimal sexual stimulation, can occur either before the penis is inserted into the vagina or soon after penetration, before the partners are fully satisfied. It is estimated that this problem affects about one third of sexually active men and often continues throughout their sexual activity. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Premature ejaculation can be treated depending on its etiology or the factors behind it. Of course, as long as we learn about it from a reliable source. Therefore, it is worth learning the facts and myths about this ailment.

Premature ejaculation only affects young men – MYTH

Premature ejaculation can affect both young and old men. In the younger age group, it is the result of increased sexual tension, stress caused by inexperience or an excessive desire to “show” to a partner. Some men who develop this problem when they are young have it until the end of sexual activity.

The cause of premature ejaculation lies only in the mental realm – MYTH

In most cases, the problem is influenced by psychogenic factors. These include stress, mood disorders (depression), neurotic (anxiety) disorders, but also the lack of a constant partner and long breaks in intercourse or irregular intercourse. These are not the only causes of premature ejaculation, so it is advisable to consult a specialist on this matter.

Premature ejaculation can be a consequence of disease – FACT

The cause of premature ejaculation can be, among others prostate enlargement or inflammation, nerve dysfunction in the course of diabetes, hypothyroidism or stroke. Lifelong premature ejaculation may be the result of a neurobiological predisposition associated with the serotonin system.

Premature ejaculation is a source of discomfort for men and often ruins the relationship between partners – FACT

Premature ejaculation is a source of frustration for both men and women. Unsuccessful sex life negatively affects other spheres of life of the partners and often ends in the breakdown of the relationship. Therefore, if a problem arises, the first thing to do is to talk about it honestly and take steps that could change the situation.

Premature ejaculation cannot be cured – myth

The vast majority of premature ejaculation can be cured. However, pretending that the problem does not exist or shame in front of the doctor often prevent men from seeking help. The sexologist, based on the medical history collected, will refer you to appropriate tests that will help find a possible cause. Most often it is general, hormonal, neurological or urological diagnostics. Based on the results, your doctor will initiate the appropriate treatment.

Psychotherapy – FACT – is often an effective method in the treatment of premature ejaculation

Psychotherapy for treating premature ejaculation can be an effective method if psychological factors are causing the problem. Tailored therapy can be individual or, if the partners are open to it, joint.

You can delay premature ejaculation by using FACT behavioral exercises

The time it takes to ejaculate can be delayed by using appropriate behavioral exercises and massage. One such exercise is intermittent intercourse, in which the partner removes the penis from the partner’s vagina as he feels that climax is approaching. After a while, he comes back to intercourse and withdraws his penis again before climax.

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the same sexual dysfunction – MYTH

Erectile dysfunction is also a sexual dysfunction, but is of a completely different nature to premature ejaculation. In premature ejaculation, the erection, i.e. the time of erection is normal, however, ejaculation (ejaculation) occurs too early, often before penetration occurs. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection in the penis sufficient for sexual activity.

There are drugs available for the treatment of premature ejaculation – FACT

Medicines in the form of tablets, gels or aerosols for the treatment of premature ejaculation are available on the Polish market. The over-the-counter medicine is Bravera Control in the form of an aerosol. The drug contains lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. Its action is responsible for reducing the sensitivity of the penis to touch, and therefore – it can delay ejaculation.

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