Premature ejaculation – a taboo subject

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Premature ejaculation is a problem for every fifth man. Fortunately, you no longer have to use ineffective home remedies to delay orgasm. An effective drug has appeared on the market.

– A woman, like a Dreamliner, needs a long runway, which means that to achieve sexual satisfaction, she needs the right time of stimulation, while a man like a helicopter starts to soar immediately – says Dr. Andrzej Depko, president of the Polish Society of Sexual Medicine. However, most couples can have a mutually satisfactory sexual intercourse. Sometimes, however, a man reaches orgasm much too soon.

Premature ejaculation – what is it?

According to the American Urological Association, premature ejaculation is one that occurs sooner than intended, before or shortly after penetration, and frustrates one or both partners. Too short intercourse, lack of control over the onset of ejaculation, and stress are the three elements that must occur for premature ejaculation. The International Society for Sexual Medicine defines the problem as ejaculation that occurs always or almost always before vaginal penetration or about a minute after it begins. However, premature ejaculation should not be confused with a woman having trouble achieving sexual satisfaction. Then even the longest intercourse time will not help and it is difficult to talk about premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation – not only young and inexperienced

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men under the age of 60. In Poland, it concerns 4 million men. However, it is one of the most rarely diagnosed and treated male ailments. Probably because patients do not talk about their dysfunction and doctors do not ask about sex life. Only 9% of men report to a specialist with the problem of premature ejaculation. There are various psychological and biological theories about its causes.

Most men have been struggling with this problem since their first sexual experiences. Ejaculation occurs too quickly with any or almost all sexual intercourse with all partners. Other men happen after a period of normal ejaculation control at certain times in their lives, with gradual or sudden onset. Premature ejaculation may be associated with endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism or urology, anatomical conditions (short frenulum, glans hypersensitivity, phimosis), neurological, psychological or relationship problems, traumatic sexual experiences. It can also be a side effect of medication.

Premature ejaculation – a problem for two

– If 4 million men struggle with premature ejaculation, it means that this is also a problem for their partners, i.e. 8 million people – says prof. Piotr Radziszewski Head of the Department of General, Oncological and Functional Urology at the Infant Jesus Hospital in Warsaw. However, he adds that, unlike in the case of erectile dysfunction, which is met with understanding by women and treated as a common problem, premature ejaculation is not accepted by women. They do not understand the problem and have a negative attitude towards their partner. – The spiral of mutual dislike grows and the mug placed on the wrong side of the cupboard becomes the source of a great quarrel – adds Dr. Deptko. As many as 44% of men suffering from premature ejaculation disorder report a feeling of frustration, 36% of them complain of anxiety, and 20,4% of depression. Half of men affected by premature ejaculation believe their relationship with their partner would be more successful if they could satisfy her sexually.

Read also:

  1. When masculinity fails. How to treat erectile dysfunction?
  2. Genetic diseases that mainly affect men

Ejaculation chemistry

Ejaculation is centrally regulated through interconnected sensory areas of the brain, motor centers. A number of neurotransmitters take part in it, including serotonin, dopamine and others. Serotonin plays an inhibitory role in controlling sexual behavior, while dopamine triggers orgasm. Thus, an adequate level of serotonin allows a man to control ejaculation. People struggling with premature ejaculation have low levels of serotonin and high levels of dopamine.

Until recently, premature ejaculation was considered a psychological problem and was treated for many years with behavioral therapies and psychotherapy. Local anesthetics were also used with varying degrees of success. Pre-intercourse masturbation or techniques aimed at recognizing pre-ejaculation symptoms and increasing control over it, most often by stopping penetration or squeezing the penis with a finger – although partially effective – in a short time may aggravate rather than relieve this dysfunction. Topical creams and sprays containing anesthetic preparations also show moderate efficacy. The advantage of these measures is the speed of action, the disadvantage is the need to remove the substance after about 20 minutes. from the application. If left for a longer period, it may cause hypoaesthesia and subsequent penile relaxation as well as side effects in the form of sensory disturbances in the vulva and vagina in partners.

Premature ejaculation drug

With the problem of premature ejaculation, you can visit your family doctor, urologist or sexologist. The basis of diagnostics is a well-collected clinical history. The examination and history are aimed at excluding or confirming the presence of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine system or neurological changes. They include the assessment of the condition of the genital organs: scrotum, testicles, epididymis and vas deferens, penis, prostate gland. After that, the doctor may prescribe the drug dapoxetine, which is already available in Polish pharmacies, which can be used like Viagra before intercourse. Preferably an hour and a half in advance. The drug maintains the appropriate level of serotonin, allowing the man to control ejaculation. It extends the duration of intercourse on average four times. It is quickly eliminated from the body.

Remember that you should avoid using drugs yourself, in particular those obtained via the Internet from unauthorized suppliers, due to the high risk of buying counterfeit preparations.

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