Premature babies: the benefits of skin to skin

Skin-to-skin with prema?

Enjoying carnal contact with your little one, born well before term? Yes, it is possible, despite the wires and other devices often necessary in the event of prematurity..

Skin to skin with Baby is even considered today, by many professionals, as a full-fledged care and a real support for the development of the toddler. A tender melee also recommended as soon as possible after birth, from the 2nd or 3rd day …

Skin to skin: good for you and baby

When the state of health of your little Angel allows him to leave his incubator, there is no longer any hesitation in practicing skin to skin. Before you start, the pros nevertheless recommend that you wait until Baby is awake to take it., even if, without a doubt, it will not take long to fall asleep again …

Skin to skin is conducive to exchanges and sensory stimulation. It is also an opportunity to share your first hugs, and to satisfy the almost vital need for contact for your little one.

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