Pregnant: your first steps

The rights of pregnant women and the future father

When they are expecting a child, future parents have rights. So as soon as a woman is pregnant,

she is protected in her work (dismissal, night work, etc.). She may be absent to attend compulsory medical examinations. a maternity leave allows him to rest; as for the father, he benefits from paternity leave. Depending on their situation, different family benefits help parents to cope financially with the arrival of the child, etc.

Future parents also have responsibilities. By taking care of herself, by being medically monitored, by giving up smoking and consuming alcohol, the future mother also takes care of her baby. 

Declaration of pregnancy and prenatal consultations

As soon as you are pregnant, to benefit from your rights, you should consult:

  • a doctor or midwife to have a first prenatal check-up to declare your pregnancy before the end of the first 14 weeks. It is possible to consult a gynecologist or a midwife without going through the attending physician.

The pregnancy declaration can be made online: with your Vitale card, the practitioner (doctor or midwife) completes the declaration online and transmits it directly to your health insurance fund and your family allowance fund (CAF ). In this case, you do not have to send anything, your pregnancy is immediately registered..

The pregnancy declaration with a paper form: the practitioner completes and gives you the three-part declaration form.

You must complete your information and send:

– the pink section to your health insurance fund;

– the two blue shutters to your CAF.

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© Horay


Please note: you must declare your pregnancy before the end of the 3rd month to be covered throughout your pregnancy and to obtain your rights to the birth premium.

A maternity health record is sent to you by your department at the end of this first examination. During each medical examination, the doctor or midwife records his findings and indications. This notebook is your property.

Maternity insurance

It covers a large part of the costs associated with the birth of a child. It will thus cover 100% of the compulsory prenatal examinations, health expenses from the 1st day of the 6th month, childbirth costs, etc.

Who can benefit ?

Since January 1, 2016, any adult, who has worked or resided in France in a stable and regular manner for at least 3 months, has right to have personal health costs covered. This scheme concerns employees who depend on the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM), and employees in the agricultural world who depend on the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).

There are other regimes: self-employed workers, who depend on the Social Security

self-employed people (RSI), traders, artisans, liberal professions, farmers; civil servants and students; frontier workers. All these people are compulsorily attached to a social protection scheme which allows them to benefit from maternity benefits.

On the other hand, regardless of the scheme, to benefit from maternity leave allowances

(cash benefits), registration, contributions and working time conditions are required.

This first consultation includes, in addition to the medical examination, laboratory analyzes, made from a blood test; this must be done before the end of the first 14 weeks. But it is not necessary to wait for the results to send your declaration of pregnancy to Social Security. Finally, during this consultation, the practitioner specifies the theoretical expected date of delivery and offers you the first early prenatal interview. Update your Vitale card so that each compulsory prenatal examination is covered 100%.

• Between the 4th and 5th month of pregnancy, CAF and MSA send future parents of a first child a parents’ booklet. This booklet contains a lot of information concerning, in particular, prevention during pregnancy, the development of the baby, the rights of the child, places and sites that can support parenthood.

Seven medical visits are compulsory. The first must be taken before the end of the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The other exams will be taken every month from the first day of the 4th month until delivery. Another compulsory medical examination will be taken within 8 weeks of giving birth. If necessary, two postnatal follow-up sessions with a midwife, between the 8th day following the birth and the postnatal examination, are covered by the health insurance.

• Three ultrasounds are recommended, on specific dates, during pregnancy. Compulsory examinations may take place during working time, the resulting absences are considered by the Labor Code as actual work. Keep your tests and ultrasounds for presentation at subsequent visits.

• The priority card for public transport provides a seat. It is to be requested from CAF. The medical examinations can be taken by a doctor, a midwife, in a center of PMI or in all the approved care establishments (hospital, clinic, etc.).

• Father’s medical examination: the future father can also, during the 3rd month, undergo a complete medical examination which will be reimbursed at 100%.


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