Pregnant woman ended up in intensive care for fast food

At 26, she weighed almost two quintals. But she herself was indifferent – until the trouble happened.

After giving birth, many recover. Especially after the second. But few people wave at themselves. And here … It’s just amazing how indifferent people are in what body they live.

Tiffany, 26, from the United States, was addicted to food. She spent insane amounts of money on fast food: at McDonald’s alone, a woman left more than eight thousand dollars a year. Just think – in terms of our money, this is almost half a million rubles! But once Tiffany broke her own record: she laid out one and a half thousand dollars (87 rubles) for takeaway food in a month. She consumed about 500 thousand calories a day: pizza, burgers, soda.

“I only ate fast food. Every day. When I drove to work, I took out four eggs, cheese, sausages and a large chocolate frappe. Twenty minutes later, I returned to McDonald’s, ordered it all over again and ate it before I even got to the office. ” says Tiffany.

The woman admitted that she was sometimes disgusting to herself. After all, she was one huge walking burger – and nothing more.

“I myself did not understand how huge I am. I had a disturbed perception of myself. It seemed that everything is fine, “- Tiffany justified.

Two trips for fast food in the morning, two more – closer to lunch, four – in the afternoon. Eight times a day to run into a cafe to fill your stomach with junk food is no joke. No wonder the weight grew by leaps and bounds. And then Tiffany got pregnant. And very quickly the arrow on the scales reached the mark of 187 kilograms. Almost two centners. But that didn’t bother Tiffany either. Just think, I got better, all pregnant women are getting better. The expectant mother would have continued to eat everything, without thinking about the consequences. But at the sixth month she was in intensive care. The woman was struck by a stroke.

Fortunately, the hemorrhage was not very severe. Tiffany quickly recovered, then safely gave birth to a son. But in her head it firmly stuck: if she does not stop eating, she will die.

“I had a difficult childhood. I graduated from high school and college for the homeless – because of my father’s bullying, I had to run away from home, ”explains Tiffany why she put on so much fat.

She ate her father’s mockery with junk food, got fat, because of her size, her classmates mocked her, and everything was repeated in a circle. And here’s the result – hypertension, stroke, bone problems: Tiffany’s skeleton could not bear her enormous weight. Some of the bones were twisted, and her height was reduced by three centimeters. The woman did not fit into the scanner for tomography, it was also impossible to remove the cardiogram: the heart impulse was deaf somewhere in the folds of fat.

Go on a diet, exercise? No, this approach did not suit Tiffany. Indeed, it will take a lot of time to drive off tens of kilograms that she has been eating for more than one year. A mother of two decided that she needed surgical help. And she went for an operation to reduce the volume of the stomach.

The drastic measures helped. Tiffany lost 108 kilograms very quickly. However, I also had to go on a diet. Now in the menu of the former donkey there is no fast food, no soda, no sweets, no other high-calorie dishes. Vegetables, protein, cottage cheese. Now Tiffany looks completely different: under the layers of fat, a pretty pretty woman was hiding. But only if she is dressed. Preferably in jeans. Because otherwise it becomes clear what it cost Tiffany her quick weight loss. Yes, it’s leather. Terrible folds of saggy skin that suddenly became redundant. Now Tiffany is trying to raise money to remove her. It is quite expensive. Therefore, the woman announced a collection of donations.

“Maybe there will be people who can help me finish the story of my transformation,” she says.

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