Pregnancy is a wonderful period for every woman. It should be a time to rest, relax and enjoy your condition and future parenthood. However, many women are bothered by the common symptoms of pregnancy – vomiting and diarrhea. Both are very unpleasant and tiring and should not be treated with pharmaceuticals in pregnant women. Therefore, it is best to prevent them, and if they occur – treat them with home, proven methods.
The causes of diarrhea in pregnancy are similar to standard causes. In the final phase of pregnancy, they may indicate the approaching birth – the body naturally cleanses itself. When it occurs earlier, it may be a common ailment, which could be influenced by several factors:
- too many high-fiber foods or prunes
- delicate and sensitive digestive system
- weakened immunity
- changes in the hormonal balance
- stress that accompanies especially young mothers who are expecting a baby for the first time
How can I help myself?
- drink large amounts of water – the body dehydrates very quickly, which at the same time affects its weakness. Therefore, it is best to take large amounts of fluids, especially non-carbonated highly mineralized water, in small portions, but often
- follow a diet after the main ailments have passed – it is worth reaching for products that are gentle for the stomach, which will absorb water very well: boiled carrot puree, overcooked rice with apple, porridge, rusks, boiled apples
- from the fruit you can eat bananas and dried blueberries – they have antidiarrheal properties
- replenish electrolytes – they are needed by you, but above all by your child, for proper development
Vomiting and nausea
They usually accompany the first months of pregnancy and disappear in the second trimester. They can be caused by:
- an acute sense of smell – pregnant women more intensely sense smells that were previously neutral, now they can trigger a gag reflex
- high levels of hormones in a woman’s blood
- excess stomach acid
- relaxation of the digestive muscles
Rescue for a pregnant woman
The best way to fight nausea and vomiting is to prevent them. Remember to:
- before getting up in the morning, eat a piece of dry bread, biscuit or biscuit
- Also, before getting up in the morning, drink a glass of warm milk with honey
- get out of bed slowly – rising to a sitting position quickly can cause a “revolution” in the stomach
- avoid hot foods; warm ones are best
- eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but be careful!!! Avoid citrus
- eat often and in small portions; eating large meals burdens the stomach, causes indigestion and, as a result, vomiting
- avoid fatty and fried foods; a light diet will be good for your health
- do not lie down after a meal; sit at the table or in your favorite armchair with a book; lying down promotes vomiting
- drink plenty of fluids; preferably often and in small amounts, especially between meals.
You should drink up to 3 liters a day. It can be still mineral water, water with ginger or mint, or with the addition of lemon juice.