Pregnant: what natural remedies to treat the flu?

Stay hydrated at any time of the day
Hydrating helps purify your body and thus constitutes the first reflex to adopt. Water, fruit juice, tea, herbal tea: drinking will also help decongest your nose in the event of a cold.
Drink lemon and honey infusions
The lemon, recognized for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, is a valuable ally in the fight against the flu. Rich in vitamin C, this citrus fruit will also help strengthen your immune system.
As for honey, real antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, it will quickly soothe your sore throat and relieve your cough.
Prepare the infusion by mixing two tablespoons of honey and the juice of one lemon in hot water.
Prepare a gargle with salt water to treat sore throat
To relieve coughs and soothe sore throats, our grandmothers recommended mouthwashing. The gargle recipe can locally treat an irritated mucous membrane and quickly improve swallowing.
Preferably in salt water, thanks to the anti-bacterial effects of salt, gargling is easy. Boil a pot of water, add a spoon of salt and a spoon of honey to soothe the throat. Rinse your throat for 30 seconds with this mixture, then spit out the solution. The operation should be repeated until the pain subsides.
Do steam inhalations to decongest the nose
To unclog the nasal passages: nothing is more effective than inhaling steam. Put boiling water in a bowl and place your head 10 minutes above the container. You can also place a towel over your head to prevent steam from escaping.
eucalyptus, thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, is one of the best remedies for nasal congestion. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the inhaler.
You can, finally, opt for the use of physiological serum or seawater spray to clean and unclog your nose.
Consume garlic
Not recommended during the period of breastfeeding, altering the taste of breast milk, garlic has therapeutic virtues which should not be deprived of during pregnancy. In the event of the flu, garlic helps in particular to treat respiratory tract infections.
You can eat whole garlic cloves or mix them into a soup.
If reposer
Finally, one of the best flu remedies for pregnant women is rest. The flu causes severe fatigue, which is redoubled when we are expecting a child. Insomnia is frequent at the end of pregnancy, take advantage of the moments of calm to rest and take a nap.
Anne-Flore Renard
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